Шнеерзон, Менахем Мендель
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson AKA the Lubavitcher Rebbe AKA the "Moshiach" (he rejected this) Ukraine 1902 - 1994 Teachers: Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn; Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson; Rabbi Akiva ben Joseph; Zalman Vilenkin,1909-1913; The Rogatchover Gaon, Yosef Rosen; Rabbi Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg (AKA the Sridei Aish); Tzemach Tzedek; Rashi;
Students: Leib Groner ; Yehuda Krinsky; Rabbi Moshe Y. Hecht (the Elder) of New Haven Hebrew Day School; Chuck Furnace; Rose Landau; Bubu Landau; Fan Landau; Yisrael Aryeh Leib AKA Mark Gourary, brother; Rabbis Herschel Schacter; Sholem Kowalsky; Julius Berman; Rabbi Menachem Genack; Rabbi Fabian Schoenfeld; Herschel Schacter; Yerachmiel Binyaminson ;Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler; Rabbi Yisrael Lau, Rabbi of Tel-Aviv; Yitzchak Yedidya Frankel; Mordechai Hodakov, secretary; Rabbi David Hollander ; Friends: Yona Kesse; Chaya Mushka, wife; Chana Schneerson; Rabbi Chaim Elazar Shapiro; Rabbi Shimon Shkop; Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik; Rabbi Dr. Haym Soloveitchik; Mendel Hornstein; Rabbi Shemaryahu Gurary ; President Ronald Reagan; Zalman Shazar of Israel; Menachem Begin; Ariel Sharon; Yitzhak Rabin; Shimon Peres; Moshe Katzav ; Benjamin Netanyahu; Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu; Enemies: Organizations: Hasidium; Lubavitcher ; Chabad-Lubavitch; The ChaBaD Houses; The Mitzvah Mobile; God's Army; Author: "Reshimot", 10 volumes of thoughts; "Likuttei Levi Yitzchak—Letters"; 39 volume set of Likkutei Sichos (collected weekly essays, often on Torah and Haftorah portions for that week; Hayom Yom; Haggadah Im Likkutei Ta'amim U'minhagim; Sefer HaToldot – Admor Moharash (biography); Letters from the Rebbe; Heichal Menachem; Mikdash Melech – 4 volumes; Nelcha B'Orchosov; Mekadesh Yisrael;Yemei Bereshit; Bine'ot Deshe ; Tzaddik LaMelech ; Comments: Rabbi spelled RABBI ! ;amazing modern Qabalist and teacher; Pioneer in preserving the Old Ways of Ukraine/ Poland in New York City; tried to dissuade talk of his being the Jewish Messiah, but they waited 3 days to bury him to be sure!; transformed the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, New York ; encouraged women to study Torah; Education of youth the most important part of survival; encouraged even non-observant Jews to putting on tefillin and pray, as a magickal act affecting the World, even if the Jew at prayer had doubts; rescued Soviet Jewry; a truly remarkable man, met him when I was @ 6 years old. He lectured (through our Rabbi) that the last word of the Shama prayer was not the number 1, but ONE, a Unity of all. This provoked my 1st Enlightenment experience, and set me on the path I have marched for over 50 years - Chuck Furnace AKA Yisrolavach; Quotes: "you will be serving in a house of darkness, but remember, that even in the darkest place; the light of a single candle can be seen far and wide…" ; Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menachem_Mendel_Schneerson; http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/biography/schneerson.html; http://www.chabad.org/theRebbe/default_cdo/jewish/The-Rebbe.htm; http://www.schacademy.org/;