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| Dr. John Dee
| | [[Файл:John_Dee.jpg|thumb|200px|right|<center>'''Джон Ди'''</center>]] |
| England 1527 – 1608
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| Teachers: The Angels Uriel, Raphael, Gabriel and Angelic Spirits Ave, Medicina, Madimi, Galvah, Nalvage; Francesco Giorgi; influenced by Euclid, Copernicus, Basil Valentine; Marsilio Ficino; Giovanni Pico della Mirandola; Gemma Frisius; Peter Wileigh of Chantry School of Chelmsford; Robert Pember, Greek scholar; Gerardus Mercator; Cornelius Agrippa of Louvain; Johannes Trithemius;
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| Students: influenced Edmund Spenser, author of The Faerie Queene and William Shakespeare, author of The Tempest; Barnabas Saul,1st scryer, who reputed the visions once charged with sorcery and witchcraft, 1582; Edward Kelly AKA Edward Talbot, Enochian scryer; Francis Nicholls, scryer; Bartholomew Hickman, scryer; Giordano Bruno, MacGregor Mathers; Aleister Crowley; Heinrich Khunrath, 1589; Gabriel Naude; Polish Count Adalbert Laski; Miss Charlotte Fell-Smith, biographer; son, Arthur Dee, MD; Robert Cotton ; Horace Walpole; Nicholas Culpeper; Geofffrey James; Gerald Suster; Nevill Drury; Jerry Cornelius, whose Enochian Chess set was amazing!; W. P. Swainson; G. Hort; Richard B. Ince; Colin D. Campbell; Josh Norton; Christeos Pir; Fra:. Michael 111; Benjamin Rowe; A.E. Waite; C. H. Josten, translator; Joseph H. Peterson; J.W. Hamilton-Jones; Robert Turner; Geoffrey James; Elias Ashmole; Dr. Biggs (?); Alan Thorogood;
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| Friends: Queen Elizabeth I; Sir Philip Sidney, his uncle Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester, and Edward Dyer; Sir Christopher Hatton; Gerolamo Cardano; William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley; Polish nobleman Albert Łaski; King Stefan Batory of Poland; Tycho Brahe; Sir John Cheke; King Edward VI; Dutchess of Northumberland (related to Lady Jane Grey, The Nine Days' Queen, executed by her half sister "Bloody Mary"); Dr. Jerome Cardan; Barthlet Green, fellow prisoner in English prison; Bishop Bonner; Queen Bloody Mary had him imprisoned, but Bishop Bonner obtained his release; Sir [Walter Scott]]; Emperor Maximillian II; Emperor Rudolph; Henry Billingsley,Euclid scholar; 1st wife, 1574, died within the year, name unknown, 2nd wife Jane Fromond,1576; Mr. Clerkson, who introduced Dee to Kelly under the assumed name Edward Talbot; Dr. Curtius of Prague; King Stephan "the Great" Bathori of Poland; Count Wilhelm Rosenberg, Viceroy of Bohemia; Adrian Gilbert; Queen Elizabeth's commissioners Sir John Woolly and Sir Thomas George; Archbishop Whitgift; Rev Matthew Palmer; Robert Cotton;
| | '''Джон Ди''' (англ. John Dee; 13 июля 1527 Тауэр Уорд, Лондон, Англия - декабрь 1608 или март 1609 Мортлейк, Суррей, Англия) — английский (валлийский) математик, астроном, астролог, оккультист, советником королевы Елизаветы I. Он посвятил большую часть своей жизни изучению алхимии, искусству предсказаний и герметической философии. |
| Enemies: Samuel Butler (ridiculed him in Hudibras); Meric Casaubon aka Emericus Casaubon, published the papers discovered by Robert Cotton after he bought Dee's home, Mortlake, to ridicule his beliefs, and was the son of the Hermetic Scholar Isaac Casaubon;
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| Organizations; Worshipful Company of Mercers; St. John's College, Cambridge; then taught at Trinity; University of Louvain's Cllegium Trilingue (3 languages, Hebrew, Greek and Latin); Warden of Christ's College, Manchester;
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| Author; The Rosie Crucian Secrets ; General and Rare Memorials pertayning to the Perfect Arte of Navigation, 1576; Monas Hieroglyphica ("The Hieroglyphic Monad")1564; Brytannicae reipublicae synopsis (1570); Liber Loagaeth or Liber Mysteriorum AKA Book of Mysteries AKA Spiritual Diary, Sextus et Sanctus (see it http://www.esotericarchives.com/dee/sl3189.htm) seems differnt from Quartus Liber Mysteriorum; Compendium Heptarchiæ Mysticæ (see it http://www.esotericarchives.com/dee/chm.htm); De Heptarchia Mystica -read- http://www.esotericarchives.com/dee/hm.htm); LIBELLUS VENERI NIGRO SACER, TUBA VENERIS (Trumpet of Venus) ; Tabula bonorum angelorum invocationes; The Holy Table by John Dee (engraving from Casaubon's True and Faithful Relation); A Letter Containing a Most Brief Discourse Apologetical; Mysteriorum Libri Quinque or, Five Books of Mystical Exercises (http://www.esotericarchives.com/dee/sl3188.htm) aka Five Books of Mystical Exercises of Dr. John Dee - An Angelic Revelation of Kabbalistic Magic and other Mysteries Occult and Divine; a Supplication for the Recovery and Presentation of Ancient Writers and Monuments, his proposal to Queen Bloody Mary for a State Library; Enochain Invocation of John Dee (edited by G. James); Private Diary; the Compendious Rehearsal, his autobiography for Queen Elizabeth I; Brytannicae reipublicae synopsis (1570) (review of the Republic of Britain); Title Royal of 1580 claims early Welsh explorer Madog ab Owain Gwynedd had discovered America in 1170, so Britannia owns it all; A True & Faithful Relation of What Passed for Many Yeers between Dr. John Dee and Some Spirits, published in 1659 by Emericus Casaubon on Enochian or the Language of the Angels;
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| Comments: Enochian; Scrying; Crystallomancy; Qabalist; Rosicrucian; Alchemy; was familiar with Arbatel De magia veterum (Arbatel: Of the Magic of the Ancients) and mentions it in Mysteriorum Libri; Mathematics; Astronomy; Astrology; lectured on Euclid in Paris, 1550; Enochain-like vision of The Four Castles, watchtowers against the Devil, received in Cracow, Poland @ 1584; may have sold the Voynich Manuscript to Rudolph II; Dee owned a copy of the never deciphered Book of Soyg; The "Language of the Angels" aka Enochian alphabet is more of a code than a living tongue, with each Angelic letter having a corresponding Latin letter, and obeying it's rough grammar; as a follower of Johannes Trithemius, Dee was well versed in codes for Military as well as Magical communication, and aware of Julius Caesar's alphabetic substitution "Soldiers Code" (move every letter up 3 spaces) and Steganographia, the hiding of messages in pictures and diagrams; Cryptologist;
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| Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dee; http://www.john-dee.org/; http://www.esotericarchives.com/dee/index.html, his writings; see an ancient biography here (http://www.johndee.org/charlotte/); http://www.esotericarchives.com/dee/tubaven.htm; http://www.esotericarchives.com/dee/invocat.htm; THREE FAMOUS OCCULTISTS by GM Hort on Dr. [[John Dee], RB Inge on Franz Anton Mesmer and a third essay, by W. P. Swainson, on Thomas Lake Harris, no copyright date, private library; download PDF copies here: http://books.google.com/books?id=H5c8AAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=inauthor:john+inauthor:dee&lr=&num=100&as_brr=1&ie=ISO-8859-1#v=onepage&q&f=false ; download them here - http://darkbooks.org/collection/John-Dee.html and here http://darkbooks.org/pp.php?v=1869702278 ; http://beinecke.library.yale.edu/collections/highlights/voynich-manuscript ; http://www.themagickalreview.org/enochian/Casaubon%20-%20A%20True%20and%20Faithful%20Relation.pdf for a copy of True & Faithful Relation ; read more of the Enochian here - http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/enoch/index.htm ; http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/enoch/callench.htm ; http://www.esotericarchives.com/necronom/josten.htm; see his Shrew Table here - http://www.esotericarchives.com/dee/holytab.htm ; see the Enochian Watchtower original instructions here - http://www.esotericarchives.com/dee/invocat.htm but read Dr. Israel Regardie's Big Red (not Big Blue), the Complete System of Golden Dawn Magic; http://www.esotericarchives.com/dee/tubaven.htm, which may be an example of Johannes Trithemius's code; read him in modern-ish English here - http://www.esotericarchives.com/dee/monad.htm; index of Enochian Angels here - http://www.esotericarchives.com/dee/angelix.htm ; see The Enochian Keys (or Calls) here - http://hermetic.com/norton/pdf/calls2.pdf, z = zed, pronounce each letter fully when doing the Calls;
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| Astrologer John Dee (1527–1608) was born in
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| London of a Welsh family. He was educated in
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| Cambridge, where he became a Fellow of Trinity
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| College. Magic and alchemy were among his
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| major interests from his earliest years, and he
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| began collecting books and manuscripts. He
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| became a well-known mathematician. He is best known to modern Satanists through the inclusion
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| of some of his Enochian Keys in the latter section
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| of Anton LaVey’s The Satanic Bible.
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| During the reign of the Catholic Mary Tudor,
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| he was accused of being a heretic and a conjurer.
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| However, he was able to clear his charge and he
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| was not burned, though he spent some time in
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| prison. During a journey abroad, he learned that a
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| mob had broken into his house at Mortlake and
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| sacked his library, believing that he was a worker
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| of black magic. Eventually he was favored by the
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| court of Queen Elizabeth I, who was much more
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| superstitious and interested in astrology than her
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| sister.Dee became her occult adviser, although she
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| never granted him the generous pension he was
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| seeking. During his numerous trips abroad, he
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| also acted as a secret agent for her, under the code
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| name “007.”
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| John Dee is, however, best known for his
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| Enochian Magic, a system of magic teaching
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| communication with angels and spirits. Dee
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| joined Irishman Edward Kelly in an attempt to
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| communicate with the spirits through the practice
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| known as scrying. Communication with the spirits
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| was possible through the use of the Enochian
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| language, a genuine, complex language of
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| unknown origin with a solid grammar and syntax.
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| Each letter of the Enochian alphabet features a
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| numerical value—a gematria—and is associated
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| with elemental, planetary, and tarot properties.
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| The Nineteen Calls, or Keys, of Enochian were
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| used by Dee and Kelly to conjure the angels. The
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| first two keys conjured the element Spirit, the next
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| sixteen conjured the four elements, whereas the
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| nineteenth Key invoked any of thirty aethyrs or
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| aires, probably representing levels of consciousness.
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| Kelly allegedly spoke Enochian when the
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| angels appeared in his crystal. One of the procedures
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| used during the communication consisted
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| of setting up charts, either filled with letters or left
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| blank, to which the angels would point with a rod
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| in order to spell out messages. These messages
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| were dictated backward, for dangerous forces
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| would have been released if the messages were
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| communicated directly. John Dee was less favored
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| by Elizabeth’s successor, James I, and ended his
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| days in poverty at Mortlake.
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| For Further Reading:
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| LaVey, Anton Szandor. The Satanic Bible. New York:
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| Avon, 1969.
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| Schueler, Gerald J. Enochian Magick: A Practical
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| Manual. St. Paul, MN: Llewelly, 1987.
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| Suster, Gerald, ed. John Dee: Essential Readings.
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| Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, UK:
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| Crucible, 1986.
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| --''James Lewis''
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| [[Категория:Персоналии]] | | [[Категория:Персоналии]] |