Фауст, Иоганн Георг

Материал из Телемапедии

Dr. Johann Georg Faust AKA Johann Fust AKA Doctor Jörg Faustus von Haidlberg

Germany @ 1480 (or 1466) – @ 1540

Teachers: Hermes Trismegistus; Pietro d'Abano; Raymond Lull; Roger Bacon; Students: Johann Wolfgang Goethe ; Christopher Marlowe; Johannes Trithemius AKA Johann Heidenberg ; Johannes Virdung; Johann Weyer; Anton LaVey; H. P. Lovecraft; Algernon Blackwood; Arthur Machen; Michael Aquino of the Temple of Set; Lionel Snell; Leopold Engel; Johann Georg Neumann, 1683 ; Frank Baron; Dr Leo Ruickbie; Conrad Mutianus Rufus, 1513; Joachim Camerarius, 1536; Dr. Philipp Begardi of Worms, 1539; Johannes Manlius; Johannes Wier ; Philipp Camerarius, 1602; G. R. Widmann ;Nikolaus Pfitzer; Richard Stecher; Alessandro Cagliostro ; Eliphas Levi; Cornelius Agrippa; Francis Bacon; Robert Fludd; Paracelsus; Comte de Saint-Germain; Aleister Crowley; Friends: Enemies: Johann Gast; most Town authorities; Rev. Dorstenius; Organizations: Author: Doctor Faustens dreyfacher Höllenzwang, 1501; Geister-Commando (Tabellae Rabellinae Geister Commando id est Magiae Albae et Nigrae Citatio Generalis), 1501; D.Faustus vierfacher Höllen-Zwang , 1501; Fausts dreifacher Höllenzwang (D.Faustus Magus Maximus Kundlingensis Original Dreyfacher Höllenzwang id est Die Ägyptische Schwarzkunst)AKA "Egyptian Nigromancy, magical seals for the invocation of seven spirits, 1520; Johannis Fausti Manual Höllenzwang, 1524; Praxis Magia Faustiana, 1527; Fausti Höllenzwang oder Mirakul-Kunst und Wunder-Buch, 1540; Doctor Fausts großer und gewaltiger Höllenzwang; Dr. Johann Faustens Miracul-Kunst- und Wunder-Buch oder der schwarze Rabe auch der Dreifache Höllenzwang genannt AKA The Black Raven Doctor Johannes Faust's Miracle and Magic Book or also called the Threefold Coercion of Hell, 1669; D.I.Fausti Schwartzer Rabe; Doctor Faust's großer und gewaltiger Meergeist, worinn Lucifer und drey Meergeister um Schätze aus den Gewässern zu holen, beschworen werden , 1692;

Comments: real Magician in Germany, memorialized in The Historia von D. Johann Fausten published by Johann Spies 1587, Christopher Marlowe's play The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus (1604) and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's play Faust (1808); Astrology; Alchemy; Ceremonial Magick; Angels; the Devil; Medical doctor; died in an explosion of an alchemical experiment in the "Hotel zum Löwen" in Staufen im Breisgau; may not have exisited, but his Secretary Christoph Wagner was supposed to transform into a poodle named Prästigiar ; was thought to study Georg von Welling's Opus Mago-cabbalisticum Et Theosophicum by Johann Wolfgang Goethe; Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Georg_Faust; read him here- http://books.google.com/books?id=WpE5AAAAcAAJ if you read Old German