Чёртон, Тобиас
Тобиас Чёртон (Tobias Churton, род. 1960) — британский исследователь эзотерики, розенкрейцеров, масонства, гностицизма. Имеет ученую степень по теологии Брасенос-колледжа Оксфордского университета. Читает лекции в Эксетерском университете, является автором ряда важных работ по эзотерике, в том числе "Гностическая философия" (Gnostic Philosophy), "The Magus of Freemasonry: The Mysterious Life of Elias Ashmole" (Маг свободного масонства: таинственная жизнь Элиаса Эшмола), а также нескольких биографических работ, посвященных Алистеру Кроули.
Тобиас Чёртон является автором нескольких телевизионных программ, в частности популярного 4-серийного документального фильма "Гностики", вышедшего в 1987 году на британском канале Channel 4.
С 1997 по 2000 являлся редактором-учредителем журнала "Масонство сегодня" (Freemasonry Today).
В 2011 году вышла в свет написанная Чертоном биография Алистера Кроули. Затем были опубликованы еще четыре посвященные ему биографические работы: "Зверь в Берлине" (The Beast in Berlin), "Алистер Кроули в Америке" (Aleister Crowley in America), "Алистер Кроули в Индии" (Aleister Crowley in India) и "Алистер Кроули в Англии: возвращение Великого Зверя" (Aleister Crowley in England: The Return of the Great Beast)
На английском языке:
2020 The Lost Pillars of Enoch (Inner Traditions International) 2019 Aleister Crowley in India (Inner Traditions International) 2018 The Spiritual Meaning of the Sixties (Inner Traditions International) 2017 Aleister Crowley in America 2017 Deconstructing Gurdjieff 2016 Occult Paris 2015 Jerusalem! The Real Life of William Blake 2015 Gnostic Mysteries of Sex 2014 Aleister Crowley: The Beast in Berlin 2013 The Babylon Gene 2012 The Mysteries of John the Baptist 2011 Aleister Crowley: The Biography 2010 The Missing Family of Jesus 2009 The Invisible History of the Rosicrucians 2008 Kiss of Death: The True History of the Gospel of Judas 2007 Freemasonry: The Reality 2006 The Magus of Freemasonry: The Mysterious Life of Elias Ashmole 2005 Gnostic Philosophy 2004 The Golden Builders: Alchemists, Rosicrucians and the first Free Masons 1989 Miraval—A Quest (novel)
Tobias Churton AKA TOBIAS ALEX CHURTON England 1960 - present Teachers: Professor Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke; Aleister Crowley; Elias Ashmole; Dr John Ranelagh, TV producer; William Blake; 12th century troubadour Raimon de Miraval; Rene Daumal; William Schaw; James Anderson; William Sinclair of Roslin; David Cunningham of Robertland; Sir James Murray of Kilbaderton; Sir Anthony Alexander; Sir John Veitch of Dawyck; John Carmichael; William Moray of Dreghorn; Sir Robert Moray, his brother; Sir William Bruce, 1671; John Theophilus Desaguliers; Albert Pike; Albert Mackey; Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie; Students: Chuck Furnace; RICHARD SMOLEY; Friends: Heinz Reinhoffer; Gerhard Fitzthum; Steve Segaller, director; Muhammad Ali al-Samman; Hans Jonas; Gilles Quispel; Elaine Pagels; James Robinson; Joost Ritman; Gilles Quispel; Aniela Jaffé; Kathleen Raine; Christopher McIntosh; Carlos Gilly; Screaming Lord Sutch; English ‘Madam’ Cynthia Payne; Jan Arvid Hellstrom; Sean Davison; Caroline Wise, current owner of ATLANTIS Bookshop, Michael Powell, filmmaker; Doug Pickford, folklorist; Peter Maxwell Jones; Nancy Cunard; Fellow Researchers: Stephen Dafoe; Kirk White; Andrew Hammer; The Knights of the North; Christopher Hodapp; Robert Lomas; Christopher Knight; Cliff Porter ;Tim Hogan; S. Brent Morris; Laurence Gardner; WB Chuck Furnace; WB Justin D****; Organizations: Exeter University; Elias Ashmole SOCIETY;
Author: The Invisible History of the Rosicrucians: The World's Most Mysterious Secret Society, 2009; The Golden Builders: Alchemists, Rosicrucians, First Freemasons , 2005; The Magus of Freemasonry: The Mysterious Life of Elias Ashmole--Scientist, Alchemist, and Founder of the Royal Society, 2006; Invisibles: The True History of the Rosicrucians, 2011 (accompanying a TV show); Freemasonry - The Reality, 2009; Aleister Crowley: The Biography: Spiritual Revolutionary, Romantic Explorer, Occult Master and Spy, 2011; Gnostic Philosophy: From Ancient Persia to Modern Times, 2005; The Gnostics, 1999 (earlier version?); The Missing Family of Jesus: An Inconvenient Truth - How the Church Erased Jesus's Brothers and Sisters from History, 2010; Kiss of Death: The True History of the Gospel of Judas, 2008; The Gnostic Philosophy, 2003; The Mysteries of John the Baptist: His Legacy in Gnosticism, Paganism, and Freemasonry, 2012 ; WHY I AM STILL AN ANGLICAN; The Fear of Vision: Selected Poems, 1996, some fiction under another name ; a series on the Gnostics for British television; Founder Editor of Freemasonry Today magazine; play IPSISSIMUS; musical LOVE IS ON FIRE! William Blake 1757-1827 (remember, he is deaf, and wrote the music); THE NEW AGE AND THE NEW MAN documentary; unfinished film THE VICTORY OF THE LIGHT; Comments: Excellent contemporary scholar on Rosicrucians, Freemasonry, Alchemy, the Gnostics and Thelema; teaches Britain's only master's program in Western esotericism ; born deaf, never limited him;
Resources: http://tobiaschurton.com/; http://tobiaschurton.com/books.htm; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobias_Churton; http://www.amazon.com/Tobias-Churton/e/B001JP2IUA/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1352405976&sr=1-2-ent; http://www.newdawnmagazine.com/articles/New%20Dawn%20Interview%20With%20Tobias%20Churton.html; http://www.tobiaschurton.com/biography.htm; http://www.tobiaschurton.com/biography.htm;