Дэвидсон, Питер
Питер Дэвидсон (1837-1915 или 1842-1916) — английский музыкант, писатель, редактор и оккультист. Главный редактор многочисленных журналов, в том числе журнала «Оккультизм».
Teachers: P. B. Randolph; Max Theon; Hargrave Jenning; Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie, Paulos Metamon; John Yarker; Saint-Yves d'Alveydre; Athanasius Kircher; Franciscus Mercurius van Helmont; "RAM" the Druid;
Students: Louis Themanlys (Pascale's Father) ; F. Charles Barlet AKA Albert Daucheux ; William Alexander Ayton; Rene Caille; Albert Jounet; Mrs. Josephine Cables; Ellip B. Page; Thomas Moore Johnson; Dr. Jirah Dewey Buck; William B. Shirley; Emma Hardinge Britten; Papus; Captain F.G. Irwin; Vance Randolph; Allen Greenfield; John Michael Greer; Chuck Furnace; Joscelyn Godwin; Partner for a while: Thomas Burgoyne; Enemies: Edourard Blitz, friend to Papus; Organizations: The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor; Freemasonry; Clan Davidson Society; Martinist Order; Author: publisher /writer The Occult Magazine, The Morning Star & Mountain Musings magazines; Astro Theosophical Fragments; The Signs of the Zodiac; The Mistletoe and Its Philosophy, The Mysterious Brothers – an old tale retold, The Book of Light and Life, Man Know Thyself: The Philosophy of Man, The Violin, Scintillations from the Orient, The Caledonian Collection of Music, Masonic Mysteries Unveiled, Fragments of Freemasonry, Vital Christianity, A Homeopathic Pharmacopaeia, The Chaldean, Elementals, The Laws of Magic Mirrors, and edited The Secret Documents; Astro Theosophical Fragments, 1877; Masonic Mysteries Unveiled;
Comments; amazing Natural and Western Magician ; Folklore, natural food and health; musician and violin maker; homeopath; herbalist; bootlegger; Freemason; Rosicrucian; Druid; Utopian; Father of an enormous clan of Davidsons in Georgia, USA;
Resources: see also The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor by Joscelyn Godwin, et al ; http://sueyounghistories.com/archives/2009/04/28/peter-davidson-1837-1915/; http://books.google.com/books?id=UM1TI_3l0GcC&pg=PA45&dq=Paulos+Metamon+peter+davidson&ei=o_z2SbqfOo3WzASzrICKBQ#v=onepage&q=Paulos%20Metamon%20peter%20davidson&f=false; http://www.scarletwoman.org/scarletletter/v5n2/v5n2_hermetic.html; read him here - http://books.google.com/books/about/The_Mistletoe_and_Its_Philosophy.html?id=vyQ2AQAAMAAJ ;