Фарр, Флоренс Беатрис

Материал из Телемапедии

Florence Farr AKA Florence Beatrice Emery (née) Farr AKA Sapientia Sapiemti Dono Data AKA Wisdom is given to the Wise as a Gift England / Ceylon 1860 – 1917 Teachers: William Robert Woodman; William Wynn Westcott; S. L. MacGregor Mathers; Moina Mathers; Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan; Students: Bob Brier; Simone de Beauvoir; Betty Friedan; Ursula K. Le Guin ; Rita Mae Brown; Shalamith Firestone; Friends: George Bernard Shaw; W.B. Yeats; Ezra Pound; Oscar Wilde; illustrator Aubrey Beardsley; tarot artist Pamela Colman Smith; A.E. Waite; Annie Horniman; painter Sir Edward Burne-Jones; Edward Emery, husband; Henry Marriott Paget; playwrite John Todhunter; Maud Gonne, Irish revolutionary; Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan; Author: Short Inquiry concerning the Hermetic Art by a Lover of Philatethes (AKA Thomas Vaughan ), 1894; several of the Order's "Flying Rolls"; plays The Shrine of the Golden Hawk and The Beloved of Hathor; "Our Evil Stars" (New Age, October 1907); The Dancing Faun; Egyptian Magic: Occult Mysteries in Ancient Egypt; Egyptian Use of Symbols", 1908; "On the Kabalah" Organizations: Isis-Urania Temple, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn; Irish Literary Theatre; The Sphere Group, 1896; Theosophical Society; Abbey Theatre; Comments: Golden Dawn; Rosicrucian; Tarot; Ceremonial Magick; Qabalist; Enochian; actress; composer; director; feminist ; women's rights activist; journalist; educator; singer; novelist; Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florence_Farr; http://archives.ulrls.lon.ac.uk/detail.aspx