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Friedrich Nietzsche AKA Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Germany 1844 – 1900

Teachers: Richard Wagner; David Strauss; Professor Friedrich Wilhelm Ritschl; Friedrich Albert Lange; influenced by Fyodor Dostoevsky; influenced by Arthur Schopenhauer (in 1865, Friedrich Nietzsche accidentally discovered Arthur Schopenhauer's The World as Will and Representation (1818) Students: Ken Robinson; A. R. Orage AKA Alfred Richard Orage; Peter Gast (AKA Heinrich Köselitz); Rudolf Steiner; Georges Bataille; René Girard; David B. Allison; Walter Kaufmann; Michel Foucault; Jean Baudrillard; Dorothea Brande,author of "Wake Up and Live!", 1936;

Friends: Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche, sister and caretaker; her husband Bernhard Förster, Nazi; Gustav Krug; Rudolf Wagner; Wilhelm Pinder; Paul Deussen; Carl von Gersdorff; Franz Overbeck; Afrikan Spir; Malwida von Meysenbug; Hans von Bülow; Paul Rée; Carl Fuchs; Lou Andreas Salomé; Helene von Druskowitz; Ernst Schmeitzner; August Strindberg; Cosima Wagner; Jacob Burckhardt; Enemies: Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff ; Organizations: Author: 'The Genesis of the Tragic Idea' ; The Birth of Tragedy (1872); unpublished essay “On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense” (“Über Wahrheit und Lüge im außermoralischen Sinn”) (1873); "David Strauss: the Confessor and the Writer" (1873); "On the Use and Abuse of History for Life" (1874); "Schopenhauer as Educator" (1874); "Richard Wagner in Bayreuth" (1876) (previous 4 essays are collected in Untimely Meditations); Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks; Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits) (1878); Assorted Opinions and Maxims (1879) & The Wanderer and his Shadow (1880) were a 2nd & 3rd part of Human, All Too Human that were all published together in 1886; Daybreak: Reflections on Moral Prejudices (1881); The Gay Science (1882/1887); Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book for All and None (1883-1885); Beyond Good and Evil (1886); On the Genealogy of Morals (1887); The Will to Power: Attempt at a Revaluation of All Values (fragments of writings, posthumously published); The Case of Wagner (May-Aug 1888); Twilight of the Idols, Or How One Philosophizes with a Hammer (Aug-Sept 1888); The Antichrist, a Curse on Christianity (Sept 1888); autobiography Ecce Homo (Oct-Nov 1888); Nietzsche Contra Wagner (Dec 1888); the Wahnbriefe ("Madness Letters"); On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense, 1873; Thus Spoke Zarathustra ; My Sister and I (may be a forgery); Comments: Philosopher ; Apollonian and Dionysian conflict; The Übermensch ("Superman" or "Overman"); The Will to Power; "God is Dead" or “God's murder” (The Gay Science, section 125); mental illness on 3 January 1889; Amor Fati; eternal recurrance; existentialism; postmodernism (The 1873 unpublished essay “On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense” or “Über Wahrheit und Lüge im außermoralischen Sinn”, is considered by some as a peripheral, conflicted and non-representative fragment in his writings, however, others find it to be a keystone to Nietzsche and Postmodern thought. In this essay Nietzsche rejects the idea of universal constants, and claims, presumably as a truth, that what we call “truth” is only “a mobile army of metaphors, metonyms, and anthropomorphisms.” His view at this time is that arbitrariness prevails within human experience: concepts originate via the transformation of nerve stimuli into images, and “truth” is nothing more than the invention of fixed conventions for practical purposes, especially those of repose, security and consistency.);

Resources: http://www.lexido.com/EBOOK_TEXTS/HUMAN_ALL_TOO_HUMAN.aspx ; read his work here http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/n#a779; and here - http://www.sacred-texts.com/phi/nietz/zara.txt ; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nietzsche ; http://www.thenation.com/article/175744/fascist-sympathies-dorothea-brande#axzz2cXPO5h3d ; or listen here - http://librivox.org/author/411 ;