Стокхэм, Элис Банкер

Версия от 15:13, 12 февраля 2018; Staroverov (обсуждение | вклад)
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Alice Bunker Stockham MD

America 1833 – 1912 Teachers: John Humphrey Noyes; Thomas Lake Harris; Students: Aleister Crowley; Samael Aun Weor; Simone de Beauvoir; Betty Friedan; Rita Mae Brown; Shalamith (Shuli) Firestone; Robin Morgan; Marilyn Webb; Ti-Grace Atkinson; Susan Brownmiller;

Friends: Leo Tolstoy; Havelock Ellis; Ida Craddock; Enemies: Pope Pius XII Organizations: Author: Karezza: Ethics of Marriage, 1897; "Tokology: A Book for Every Woman"; Comments: Suffragette; Women's rights; sex magick; obstetrician and gynecologist from Chicago, fifth woman to be made a doctor in USA; fear that a mechanical sperm barrier would prevent "the complete interchange of magnetism" ; "the Oneida method"; "Male continence"  ; Quaker; traveled to India, exposed to Tantra; Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_Bunker_Stockham; http://www.reuniting.info/wisdom/stockham_karezza; although they mispelled here name, Karezza is available here: http://www.healthresearchbooks.com/pages/books_list.php?origin=author&author=Stockman,%20Alice%20B.%20MD as a booklet.