Нойес, Джон Хамфри
John Humphrey Noyes American: 1811 - 1886 Teachers:Thomas Lake Harris; Ida Craddock; J. William Lloyd MD; Jemima Wilkinson (The Universal Friend); Charles Lyell; Students: Laurence Oliphant;Marnia Robinson; Alice Bunker Stockham MD; Aldous Huxley ; Aleister Crowley; Samael Aun Weor ; Jonathan Burt; Mary Cragin; Ann Hobar; Theodore Noyes; Otto Mühl, of the commune at Friedrichshof, Austria ;
Friends: legal wife Harriet Holton; her sister Harriet Skinner; William Miller (of the Seventh Day Advents and Jehovah Witness movements) ; Joseph Smith of the Mormons;
Enemies: Vermont State Attorney (enemy);Anthony Comstock; William Towner; William Hinds
Organizations: Oneida Community; Oneida Society; Yale (expelled) Author: Male Continence; The Berean (1847); Bible Communism (1848); History of American Socialisms (1870); Mutual Criticism (1876); Perfectionist and Theocratic Watchman periodical;edited Circular, their Oneida Community newspaper; American Socialist magazine;
Comments: Sex magick; Perfectionism; Karezza sperm withholding aka Karaza aka karraza ; "Free Love"; socialist; "Mutual Criticism" cure; "Complex Marriage"; Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Humphrey_Noyes; http://www.crookedlakereview.com/books/saints_sinners/martin11.html ; http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/12/26/surviving-life-in-a-70s-sex-commune.html ;