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Версия от 22:30, 22 января 2014; Admin (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «William Wynn Westcott AKA Sapere Aude (5=6) AKA Dare to be Wise AKA Non Omnis Moriar (7=4) AKA I shall not wholly die (remember, he performed autopsies for a livi…»)
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William Wynn Westcott AKA Sapere Aude (5=6) AKA Dare to be Wise AKA Non Omnis Moriar (7=4) AKA I shall not wholly die (remember, he performed autopsies for a living) England 1848 – 1925 Teachers: Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie; William Robert Woodman ; Sigismond Bacstrom; Anna Kingsford who may have been the model for "Anna Sprengel", whose magical motto was "Soror Sapiens Dominabitur Astris" , the German adept who chartered the Golden Dawn for Westcott before dying mysteriously. Her last published work, 1886, included her motto on the cover, " Sapiens dominabitur Asir" aka the Wise Rule their Stars; Edward Maitland; Athanasius Kircher; Eliphas Levi; Zoroaster aka Zarathustra;

Students; Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers; Paul Foster Case; Aleister Crowley; Manly P. Hall ; Br. A. C. F. Jackson; Henry Adamson; Max Heindel;

Friends: Theodor Reuss; Enemies: Aleister Crowley Organizations: Freemasonry; Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA); Swedenborgian Rite; Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn; Esoteric Section -Theosophical Society; Stella Matutina; Author: The Origin of the Rosicrucians and Freemasons ; The Occult Power of Numbers, their Powers and Virtues; An Introduction to the Study of the Kabalah; A Lecture To Inquirers Into Theosophy And Practical Occultism; History of the Rosicrucian Societies in Anglia; Historic Lecture Golden Dawn ; translated The Chaldæan Oracles of Zoroaster (see http://www.esotericarchives.com/oracle/oraclez.htm) previously translated by Thomas Stanley; The Sepher Yetzirah ; The Isiac Tablet of Cardinal Bembo; Comments: One of the Three Founders of the Golden Dawn, based on the Cipher manuscript from Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie; Qabalist; Rosicrucian; Ceremonial Magick; Medical Doctor and Examiner; Freemason; Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Wynn_Westcott; read him here - http://darkbooks.org/collection/William-Wynn-Westcott.html ; read him here - http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/isi/index.htm ; and here - http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/historic.htm; and http://www.esotericarchives.com/oracle/oraclez.htm;