Фабр д'Оливе, Антуан

Версия от 18:22, 23 января 2014; Admin (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «Antoine Fabre d'Olivet France 1767 - 1825 Teachers; Pythagoras; Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin; Martinez de Pasqually; Jakob Bohme; Chancellor Francis Bacon; Homer;…»)
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Antoine Fabre d'Olivet France 1767 - 1825 Teachers; Pythagoras; Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin; Martinez de Pasqually; Jakob Bohme; Chancellor Francis Bacon; Homer; Pindar; Aeschylus; Sophocles; Heraclides; Heraclitus (may be the same); Empedocles; Timaeus of Locri; Plutarch; Strabo; Eratosthene; Denys of Halicarnassus ; Phurnutus; Hesiod; Eusebius; Antoine Count de Gébelin aka Court de Gébelin (which does seem to be the correct spelling); Aelius Spartianus; Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'Anville; Jean-Sylvain Bailly ; Herodotus; Plato; Socrates; Diodorus Siculus aka Diodorus of Sicily ; Origen; Voltaire; Marc Casaubon, the son of the Hermetic Scholar Isaac Casaubon; Léon Allatius ; Proclus; Cicero; Eustathius; Ptolemy; Photiu; Thamitès; Manto, daughter of Tiresias; Daphne, pythoness of Delphi; Isaac de Beausobre; Pomponius Sabinus; Metrodorus of Lampsacus; Tatian the Christian; Cronius; Porphyry; Iamblichus; Quinctilian; Meibomius; Aristides; Eumelus ; Zoroaster; Antimachus ; Dicæogenes; Sappho ; Telesilla; Maimonides; St. Augustine of Hippo; Father Richard Simon; Saint Gregory of Nyssa; Lucretius; Pliny the Elder ; Chilo, author of KNOW THYSELF inscription; Sir William Jones; Anaxagoras; Helvetius; Hecate of Abdera; Olaüs Rudbeck; Zoroaster; Confucius; Hermes Trismegistus; Delisle Sasles aka Delisle de Sales aka Jean-Baptiste-Claude Delisle de Sales, author of the Philosophy of Nature (1769); Franz Anton Mesmer; Rabbi Philo; Demetrius of Phalerum; Dionysius of Halicarnassus, author of Roman Antiquities; Dionysius Thrax, author of "Art of Grammar" aka Tékhnē grammatiké; Aristarchus of Samothrace; Aristotle; Rev. Louis Cappell; Sir Isaac Newton; Rene Descartes;

Students; Eliphas Levi; Papus AKA Gerard Encausse; Joseph Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre; Virginie Faure; Jean-Baptiste Willermoz ; Joscelyn Godwin; Nayan Louise Redfield; Allan Bennett; Aleister Crowley; Marsilio Ficino; Giovanni Pico della Mirandola; Leon Cellier; Pierre-Simon Ballanche; Edouard Schure, author of "Les grands initiés"; Auguste Viatte; Leon Cellier; Brian Juden; Chuck Furnace; Joscelyn Godwin; Michel Moshe; Robert E. Howard, creator of Conan the Barbarian; Benjamin Lee Whorf; Frederick Donnadieu; Frédéric Mistral ; Joseph Roumanille ;p Theodore Aubanel; Jean Brunet; Paul Giera ; Anselme Mathieu ; Alphonse Tavan; Father Marcel Petit; Georges Peladan; Allan Bennett;

Friends: John Locke; Étienne Bonnot de Condillac; Thomas Hobbes; Chrisna, 1st love of his life; Julie Marcel, 2nd love, RIP aka his Muse "Egérie Théophanie" who haunted him; Marie Warin, wife, 1805, author of Conseils à une amie sur l'éducation physique et morale des enfants, 1820; Achim von Arnim ; Clemens Brentano; Pleyelm, music publisher; Enemies: Napoleon I; Catholic Church; Lord Byron; Immanuel Kant; Jean-Jacques Rousseau ; Organizations: Theodoxie Universelle, his secret society, not uncovered until 1945, using agriculture and Nature instead of architecture like Freemasonry as the basis for it's teaching the Ancients Author: The Secret Lore of Music: The Hidden Power of Orpheus; The Hebraic Tongue Restored And The True Meaning Of The Hebrew Words Re-established And Proved By Their Radical Analysis, aka Grammaire de la language hébraïque, Volumes 1-2, 1815, (read it here: http://books.google.com/books?id=7U-QBwhG0DMC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false)which includes his amazing Cosmology of Moses analysis of Genesis  ; Les Vers dorés de Pythagore: expliqués et traduits en français et précédés d'un discours sur l'essence et la forme de la poésie chez les principaux peuples de la terre, AKA The Golden Verses of Pythagoras,1813 (read it in English here: http://www.sacred-texts.com/cla/ogv/index.htm ; Hermeneutic Interpretation Of The Origin Of The Social State Of Man And Of The Destiny Of The Adamic Race (read it here - http://hermetic.com/dolivet/hermeneutic-interpretation/ ; Storia filosofica del genere umano [Philosophical History of Mankind]: Dissertazione introduttiva [Introductory Dissertation]; Le troubadour: Poésies occitaniques du XIII-e siècle. Traduites et publiées par Fabre d'Olivet.; Notions Sur Le Sens De L'Ouìe En Général, Et En Particulier Sur Le Développement De Ce Sens, Opéré Chez Rodolphe Grivel Et Chez Plusieurs Autres Enfans Sounds-Muets De Naissance; Les vers dorés de Pythagore; Les Montagnards des Alpes; The Golden Verses of Pythagoras: Explained and Translated Into French, and Preceded by a Discourse Upon the Essence and Form of Poetry Among the ... tr. Into English by Nayan Louise Redfield, 1917; Notions Sur le Sens de l'ouìe En Général, et En Particulier Sur le Développement de Ce Sens, Opéré Chez Rodolphe Grivel et Chez Plusieurs Autres Enfans Sounds-Muets de Naissance; part of The healing of Rodolphe Grivel, congenital deaf-mute; Historie Philosophique; The True Masonry and Celestial Culture; Mes souvenirs (autobiography); Toulon soumis, opera, 1794; editor Nouvelle Bibliothèque universelle des romans (1800-1803); Lettres à Sophie sur l'histoire, 2 vols, 1801; poetry editor of Le Troubadour: poésies occitaniques du XIIIe siècle (2 vols, 1803, 1804); Souvenirs mélancholiques, 6 Greek reconstruction songs; Correspondance des amateurs et professeurs de musique; Oratorio, also a Hellenic composition; Notions sur le sens de l'ouïe (1811) on healing a deaf mute through Hebrew incantations; De l'état social de l'homme aka Histoire philosophique du genre humain, 1824; translated Lord Byron's poem Cain as Caïn de Byron traduit en français, 1823; Le Troubadour ; La musique expliquée comme science et comme art; La vraie maçonnerie et la céleste culture; The Secret Lore of Music: The Hidden Power of Orpheus; Music Explained As Science and Art and Considered in Its Analogical Relations to Religious Mysteries, Ancient Mythology, and the History of the World; Hermeneutic Interpretation of the Origin of the Social State of Man; La langue d'oc retablie dans ses principes ; Notes de la Traduction du Sepher; anti slavery play Idamore, ou le prince africain; True Freemasonry and the Heavenly Culture; The Establishment of Theocracy ; Hebraic Grammar; The Reign of Charlemagne; The Healing of Rodolphe Grivel; QUOTES: "The man develops, improves or corrupts, but does not create anything";

Comments: amazing analysis in French, but well translated by Redfield into English, on the origins and meaning of the Hebrew language in the terms of Alchemy and Qabalah, drawing on Chaldean, Babylonian aind (in his mind at least) ancient Egyptian (the Rosetta Stone had just been translated by Jean-François Champollion) ; Thought the Essenes believed each word and NAME in the Bible had three meanings, a Simple/ Positive meaning, a comparative of figurative meaning, and a superlative or hieratic (pictographic) meaning; Qabalist; Pythagoras's 36 Golden Verses; music and vibration; Neo-Pythagoreanism; Rosicrucian; The "Tradition" of Gnosis enlightenment; Gnostic; Neoplatonism; Freemason; analyzed Man as containing the instinctive sphere: sensation, instinct, common sense; the animistic sphere: sentiment, understanding, reason; & the intellectual sphere: assent, intelligence, sagacity; twelve faculties are - attention and perception, reflection and repetition, compassion and judgement, retention and memory, discernment and comprehension, imagination and creation; the White Race are the Hyperboreans, Borean or Ghiboreans; the Black Race are the Soth in Egyptian, Satan by the Arabs and the Hebrews, Sudeennee or Suthéenne (perhaps from the root for Saturn); Musician, composer; was initially confused with popular artists Fabre d'Eglantine; the three powers of Providence, Will, and Destiny; integrated music with metaphysics; while we have no proof he was a Freemason, his own secret society has many Masonic parallels, almost a copy with agriculture rather than construction; believes the Hebrew Universal grammar is divided into Nouns, one verb of which all others are derivatives, the Relationship between them andf the outer Sign, or shape of the word's appearance or sound; while describing Hebrew as Chaldean, he distinguishes it from Assyrian and the later "Samaritan" (Northern Kingdom Israel) dialects; Curiously counts 7 of the constants as vowels, while most limit it to 5 (Aleph, Yod, Heh, Ayin and Vau) by counting two forms of Vau and including Cheth; Thus he fails to note that the Most Holy NAME of God is made up of consonants that double as vowels, making a written language readable out loud to the illiterate;

TO BE DEVELOPED: After the Fall, Adam has Cain, Habel and Seth (Cosmology of Moses Pg 162); Noah has Shem, Ham and Jephtah (Cosmology of Moses Pg 170); The identification of the Giants /Sons of God which mate with the Earthly women as both Nephilites /The Nephilim /Noble Illustrious and their title as The Ghiborites /Strong / Above-purification (CosMo pgs 174 - 181) Genesis 6:4 and The 3 principles of Salt/ solidify, Sulfur and Mercury /transform; Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antoine_Fabre_d%27Olivet; http://www.amazon.com/Antoine-Fabre-dOlivet/e/B001JOYQHO/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1353098909&sr=1-2-ent; read him here: http://hermetic.com/dolivet/hermeneutic-interpretation/; http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/lookupname?key=Fabre%20d%27Olivet%2C%20Antoine%2C%201767-1825; and thanks to my Librarians in Wethersfield, Ct for obtaining a copy from Univ. of New Mexico's Library for study, 2013; http://hermetic.com/dolivet/  ; http://collections.stanford.edu/supere/page.action;jsessionid=6AA40775AB4C3EF6FADEE6887972953D?forward=author_fabre_dolivet&section=authors ; http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&field-author=Antoine%20Fabre%20d%27Olivet&page=1&rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3AAntoine%20Fabre%20d%27Olivet ; http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://www.universalis.fr/encyclopedie/antoine-fabre-d-olivet/&prev=/search%3Fq%3DAntoine%2BFabre%2Bd%2527Olivet%26start%3D10%26safe%3Dactive%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D739 ; http://library.hrmtc.com/category/the-hermetic-library/figures/the-esoteric-science-of-antoine-fabre-dolivet/ ;