Уоддел, Лейла

Версия от 19:20, 29 января 2014; Admin (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «Leila Waddell AKA Laylah AKA Leila Ida Nerissa Bathurst Waddell AKA The Scarlet Woman AKA 'Sister Cybele' AKA the 'Whore of Babylon' AKA Soror Agatha' Australia /…»)
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Leila Waddell AKA Laylah AKA Leila Ida Nerissa Bathurst Waddell AKA The Scarlet Woman AKA 'Sister Cybele' AKA the 'Whore of Babylon' AKA Soror Agatha' Australia / England 1880 – 1932

Teachers:Leopold Auer; Aleister Crowley; Students: Friends /Partners: Mary Desti AKA Mary d'Este Sturges; Mary Butts; Enemies: Organizations: The Ragtime Gipsy; 'The Ragged Ragtime Girls'; A∴A∴ or Argenteum Astrum (the Silver Star); OTO AKA Ordo Templi Orientis; Rites of Eleusis; Author:parts of The Book of Lies are dedicated to her; was one of the women to take dictation for Magick (Book 4); inspired Crowley's stories The Vixen and The Violinist; Comments: Thelemite, Scarlet Woman; Crowley's lover from March 1910 till October 1911; famous for branding a sigil on her chest;

Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leila_Waddell; http://foreverandaday.biz/Pages_info/AleisterWomen.html