Chuck Furnace AKA the Cosmic Furnace AKA Chuck 2.0 America 1952 - present Teachers: Jerry Cornelius; Aleister Crowley; Rabbi Moshe Y. Hecht (the Elder) of New Haven Hebrew Day School; Menachem Mendel Schneerson, The Lubavitcher Rebbe; BoneBlossom; Robert Anton Wilson; Israel Regardie; Bill Heidrick; Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan; Rabbi Isaac Luria ; Dr. Timothy Leary; John C. Lilly; Oscar Ichazo; A. R. Orage; Paul Foster Case; Dion Fortune; Starhawk; Kenneth Grant; Elisabeth Haich; Charles Stansfeld Jones AKA Frater Achad; Mouni Sadhu; Buckminster Fuller; Jean Houston; Robert Masters; Stewart Brand; Gregory Bateson; Ralph Metzner; Baba Ram Dass; Wavey Gravey; Gerard K. O'Neill, space enthusiast; Michael Moorcock; Michael Harner; Maurice Nicoll; Milton Erickson; Fritz Perls; Richard Bandler; John Grinder; Virginia Satir; Tony Robbins; William Schaw; James Anderson; William Sinclair of Roslin; David Cunningham of Robertland; Sir James Murray of Kilbaderton; Sir Anthony Alexander; Sir John Veitch of Dawyck; John Carmichael; William Moray of Dreghorn; Sir Robert Moray, his brother; Sir William Bruce, 1671; John Theophilus Desaguliers; Albert Pike; Albert Mackey; Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie; Ben Franklin; Isaac Newton; Robert Hooke; Christopher Wren; Carlos Castaneda; M. Oneida Toups and Boots, of "The Religious Order of Witchcraft" NOLA 1976;

Students: hard to say, more fellow pilgrims, really. Friends: LaFo***a; Ashbow; Cyth***a; Baila***o; Rayna; Canu; Rainbow Darkly; Poseidon;Stephen Mace; Jane Raeburn; WB. Justin D***y; Bro. Keri AKA Keith Bro***h; Frater PVN; Sallie Ann Glassman; Kirk White; Maureen; Judy Harrow; Black Lotus; Alexei Kondratiev; David James AKA David Byron Bragwin James; Fellow Researchers: Ken Robinson, Nietzsche scholar; The Chaos Magicians in England - Peter Carroll, Ray Sherwin, Phil Hine, Julian Wilde and Lionel Snell AKA Hugo L'Strange ; Will Parfitt and Andrew Drylie; Nema and the Black Sun/MAAT researchers; Martin Starr; Paul Douglas Valentine of the Church of Satanic Liberation; Organizations: OTO AKA Ordo Templi Ortientis, Associate Research Member; Broken Mountain Lodge of the OTO; Ouroborous Isis Gnosis Coven; The Star Lodge ;Freemasonry ; Sequin-Level Lodge #140; The Philosophic Lodge of Research; Covenant of the Goddess (COG); The Weavers; Church of the Sacred Earth (COSE); The 93 Club; The October Gathering (P**T****) Author: Al Shem Shaddai (The Name of Power) ; The Holy Guardian Angel; The Process of Magick ; various articles since 1970 on, including in Magical Blend # 5, 1981; this WIKI and on the MIDDLE PILLAR qabalistic meditation; WORKshops on the Middle Pillar since 1980; Comments: received a 2nd heart in 2002, a hardware upgrade. Freemason ; sex magick; Qabalist The Middle Pillar meditation; Resources:;;