
Материал из Телемапедии
Версия от 14:32, 22 января 2014; Admin (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «Basilides Egypt / Greece 117 – 138 CE Teachers: Menander; Glaucias; Saint Peter; Jesus; Pythagoras; Plato; Zoroaster; Students: the Basilidians; St. Epiphanius …»)
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Basilides Egypt / Greece 117 – 138 CE Teachers: Menander; Glaucias; Saint Peter; Jesus; Pythagoras; Plato; Zoroaster; Students: the Basilidians; St. Epiphanius of Salamis; Saint Irenaeus, author of Adversus Haereses); St. Hippolytus (AKA Philosophumena); Isidore, son and discliple; Plotinus; Iamblichus; Hermes Trismegistus; GRS Mead; Hargrave Jennings; Julius Evola; Arturo Reghini; Nicholas Tereschenko; Jean Pascal Ruggiu; Jules Doinel; Michael Bertiaux; Louis Culling; Constant Chevillon; Jean Bricaud; Eugen Grosche; Cecil Frederick Russell; Dr. Robert Word; Samael Aun Weor; Frater PVN; Stephan Hoeller; influenced Manichaeism; William Thomas ; Kate Pavitt; Friends:Valentinus; Marcion Enemies: Origen

Organizations: the Basilidian philosophers; Author: commentary on the Christian Gospel Exegetica, now lost; The Octet of Subsistent Entities (Fragment A); The Uniqueness of the World (Fragment B); Election Naturally Entails Faith and Virtue (Fragment C); The State of Virtue (Fragment D); The Elect Transcend the World (Fragment E); Reincarnation (Fragment F); Human Suffering and the Goodness of Providence (Fragment G); Forgivable Sins (Fragment H); Comments: Early Gnostic; the Ancients; Abrasax gems, and literary remains like the Pistis Sophia are from this time; Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basilides; http://www.gnosis.org/library/basilide.htm