Месмер, Франц

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Версия от 20:36, 22 января 2014; Admin (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «Franz Anton Mesmer AKA Friedrich Anton Mesmer AKa Franciscus Antonius Mesmer Germany 1734 – 1815 Teachers: Aesculapius; Professor Hehl aka Father Hell, Jesuit a…»)
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Franz Anton Mesmer AKA Friedrich Anton Mesmer AKa Franciscus Antonius Mesmer Germany 1734 – 1815 Teachers: Aesculapius; Professor Hehl aka Father Hell, Jesuit astronomer, gave him magnets, but then claimed Mesmer's results as his own, becoming eternal enemies; William Gilbert, author of De Magnete, 1600; Athanasius Kircher, especially Magnes sive de Arte Magnetica aka The Magnet,1641; Sir Isaac Newton; Thales of Miletus, knew loadstone attracts iron; Epicurus ; Democritus; Lucretius; Galen; Pliny; Plato; Saint Augustine of Hippo; Marco Polo ; Neckham, English monk (1157-1217); Otto von Guericke (1602-1686); Pieter van Musschenbroek of Leyden jar experiments; Charles François de Cisternay du Fay of The Jardin des Plantes; Joseph Priestley; Ben Franklin; Luigi Galvani (1737-1798); Alessandro Volta (1745-1827); Sir Antony Carlisle; Michael Faraday;

Students: Tardy de Montravel; Thomas Lake Harris; P. B. Randolph; Frederick Hockley; Andrew Jackson Davis (The Poukeepsie Seer); General Ethan Allen Hitchcock; Jemima Wilkinson (The Universal Friend) ; Laurence Oliphant; Antoine Lavoisier; Ebenezer Sibly; Baron Von Reichenbach, The "Red Baron"; Antoine Count de Gébelin; Herr Wolfart; Baron Dupotet; R. B. Inge ; Professor Boirac; Melvin Powers; Emile Coue; Sir Joseph Banks; Friends: Mozart; discussed in letters between Gen. George Washington and General the Marquis de Lafayette ; Baron Hareczky of Austria, patient; Mademosoiselle Paradis, pianist and patient; Baron von Stoerck, 1st physician to the Emperor ; Dr. Deslon; Queen Marie Antoinette; M. de Maurepas; M. De Jussieu; Dr. Virey; M. Deleuze; M. Bergasse; M. Kornmann; Frederick, King of Prussia; Enemies: Ben Franklin; Louis VXI of France; James Braid; Dr. Ungerhoffer; Professor Hehl's friend Herr Ingenhaus; Herr Barth; Dr. Portal; Royal Society of Medicine of Paris; Organizations: founded Harmonic Philosophical School AKA the Harmonic Society of Paris; Author: De Planetarum Influxu, 1766 on Astrological Medicine; Comments: developed Hypnotism (Mesmerism); the "baquet" a small tub, filed with bottles of "magnetized water", covered with water filled with iron filings, and covered with a pincushion of iron rods. Patients touched or were tied to the rods to receive the magnetic treatments, while being mesmerized by hand passes and listening to inspiring and strange music, like the glass harmonica; Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Mesmer; THREE FAMOUS OCCULTISTS by GM Hort on Dr. John Dee, R. B. Inge on Franz Anton Mesmer and a third essay, by W. P. Swainson, on Thomas Lake Harris, no copyright date, private library