Гартлиб, Сэмюэл

Материал из Телемапедии
Версия от 13:43, 12 февраля 2018; Staroverov (обсуждение | вклад)
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Samuel Hartlib AKA "the Great Intelligencer of Europe" Germany / England 1600 – 1662 Teachers: Spinoza; influenced by Francis Bacon and Paracelsus; John Amos Comenius; Petrus Ramus; Bartholomäus Keckermann; Jacobus Acontius; Johann Valentin Andreae; Thomas More; Students: Robert Boyle; John Dury; Johannes Hericlse Attingus; Theodore Haak; Henry Robinson; Dr. John Wilkins; Thomas Henshaw; Nathaniel Henshaw, MD; Dr. Robert Childe; Thomas Vaughan; Chuck Furnace; Friends: John Milton; William Petty; John Wilkins; Henry Oldenburg (Secretary, Royal Society); Cornelius Robert Roragy; Samuel Pepys; John Pym; John Williams, the bishop of Lincoln; Walter Blith; Oliver Cromwell; John Gauden; Kenelm Digby;; Frederick Clod (Clodius); Hezekiah Woodward; John Beale; John Evelyn; Christopher Wren; Cheney Culpeper; Ezekiel Foxcroft; John French; Johann Moriaen; Gabriel Plattes; Bengt Skytte; Francis Rous; Nicholas Stone, Master of the London Masons Company, 1633; Inigo Jones; Grand Master of English Grand Lodges; Elias Ashmole; Dr. John Worthington DD, Master of Jesus College, Cambridge; Enemies: William Laud; Charles II; disagreed with Rene Descartes when they met, 1642; Andrew Marvell; Samuel Butler; Merc Causaubon; John Heydon; Author: editor of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society; The true and ready way to learn the Latin tongue, 1654 (English linguistics, 1500-1800: a collection of facsimile reprints); Samuel Hartlib and the Advancement of Learning ; designs for calculators, double-writing instruments, seed-machines and siege engines; his universalist goal "To record all human knowledge and to make it universally available for the education of all mankind"; Organizations: the 'Hartlib circle' 1630, a forerunner of the Royal Society,1660, joined; Author: published little in life, after death his diaries and correspondence has proved a treasure chest of research to the era; Famous Description of Macaria, a Utopian story; Considerations tending to the happy Accomplishment of Englands Reformation in Church and State (1647), written with John Dury; Comments: Rosicrucian; VERY IMPORTANT in Pansophism; 'Invisible College'; influenced the 1645 Gresham College club; sympathetic medicine; education reform; scientific "intelligencer" ; Pansophy (or encyclopedic learning); signed a pact with Comenius and Dury on March 13 ,1642, committing themselves to a secret fraternity for the advancement of religious tolerance, education, and the reformation of learning, perhaps called "Antilia"; "Office of Address" project AKA Salomon's House AKA Solomon's House, to put Information Exchanges in major European and English cities; Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/samuel-hartlib#ixzz2664BCLwy; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hartlib_Circle;

Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Hartlib; http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/gatt/page_index.php?section=hartlib; G. H. Turnbull’s Hartlib, Dury and Comenius: Gleanings from Hartlib’s Papers, , 1947; http://www.shef.ac.uk/hri/projects/projectpages/hartlib; http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/hartlib.html;