Хафтон, Майкл
Michael Houghton AKA Michael Juste AKA England - 1956 Teachers: H.P. Blavatsky; Students: Geraldine Collins; Paul Brunton; Ross Nichols; John Cowper Powys; W. B. Crow; Gerald Yorke; John Hargrave; Bernard Brommage; Jean Michaud of the the Order of the Hidden Masters; John Heath-Stubbs; Bernard Bromage; Mir Bashir; Friends: Gerald Gardner; Aleister Crowley; Cecil Williamson; Frederick Leigh Gardner; Kenneth Grant; Madeline Montalban; Dion Fortune; Olive Green, co-owner; Organizations: Atlantis Book Shop in London; Author: edited the journal Occult Observer (1945-50); poetry, autobiography The While Brother;
Comments: owner of Atlantis Bookshop, London at the time; a magnet for the Occultists of England in the 20th century; Resources: http://www.answers.com/topic/michael-houghton; http://www.holybooks.com/the-white-brother-by-michael-juste/;http://www.holybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/White-Brother-by-Michael-Juste.pdf;