Тренкер, Генрих

Материал из Телемапедии
Версия от 22:00, 22 января 2014; Admin (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «Heinrich Tranker AKA Tranker AKA 'Tartarus'; "Henkelkreuzmann" (Man of the Ankh); 'Recnartus' or "Recnatus"; 'Greif' (Condor), ; 'Garuda' (the bird of wisdom in B…»)
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Heinrich Tranker AKA Tranker AKA 'Tartarus'; "Henkelkreuzmann" (Man of the Ankh); 'Recnartus' or "Recnatus"; 'Greif' (Condor), ; 'Garuda' (the bird of wisdom in Buddhism). German 1923 - 1968

Teachers: Theodor Reuss; Carl Kellner; Franz Hartmann ; Hargrave Jennings; Aleister Crowley; Eugen Grosche; Karl Germer, who believed Heinrich and Henry Birven betrayed him to the Gestopo, sending him to a concentration camp; Max Heindel; Bernhard Beyer; Emanuel Swedenborg; Alice Sprengel (1871-1947) of Monte Verità; Students: Otto William Barth; A.A. Otto; Max Schneider AKA "Viator, 687"; Wilfred Smith AKA Frater 132 AKA "Voluntas Perfectas Omnia Vincat"; G.W. Surya; Friends /Enemies / Partners: Charles Stansfeld Jones AKA Frater Achad AKA Parzival; Helene Tränker, wife; Frau Reuss, Theodor's widow; Norman Mudd; Leah Hirsig, Dorothy Olsen, Martha Küntzel; Otto Gebhardi; Albin Grau ; H. Spencer Lewis AKA "Profundis"; Arnold Krumm-Heller; Herr Metzger AKA Fra. Paragranus; Paul Dörge; Walter Studinski AKA "Waltharius" ; Martin Erler AKA "Albinus"; Walter Englert; Henri Clemens Birven; Gustav Meyrink ; Dr Phil Ernst Heinrich Christian Peithmann AKA "Basilides"of the "Altgnostische Church of Eleusis" ; Franz Spunda; Gerald Yorke; Jean Bricaud ; Adolf Hemberger AKA "Klingsor" ; Oscar Schlag; Carl Heinz Peterson AKA "Fines Transcendam, Kalikananda"; Frau Pingwill "Kama-Rupa, i.e. 'Lust'" ; Frederic Mellinger; Friedrich Lekve; Eduard Munninger AKA "Medardus"; Ruben Villa Pilares in Peru ; Organizations: OTO AKA Ordo Templi Orientis; Freemasonry; Leipzig Theosophical group; 'Lotus Society' in Munich; 'Collegium Pansophicum'; contact with German 'Quatuor Coronati' Masonic research lodge; the 'Zur siegenden Morgenröte' ('Triumphant Dawn') lodge, 1926,; FUDOSI ('Federatio Universalis Dirigens Ordines Societesque Initiatices"', or sometimes FUDOESI 'Fédération Universelle Des Ordres Et Sociétés Initiatiques', which first favored H. Spencer Lewis's American Rosicrucian branch, but then embraced R. Swinburne Clymer's Rosicrucian group instead; "Ancient and Primitive Scottish Rite" AKA The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry; Swedenborgian Rite of Masonry; Rite of Misraim 90°, The Oriental Memphis Rite 97°, before they were combined into the Rite of Memphis and Misraim; The ancient & accepted Rite of Heredom; Pansophia International Rosicrucian Council, 1930 Author: "Liber I, the Book of the Zero-Hour"; journal "Pansophia" ("Central Organ of the Collegium Pansophicum); Comments: OTO ;Freemason; Rosicrucian; Sex magick; 'Central Theosophical Bookshop' in Leipzig; Pansophy; Resources: http://www.parareligion.ch/sunrise/book.htm;