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Версия от 02:34, 29 января 2014; Admin (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «Rabbi Moses de Leon aka Moshe ben Shem-Tov (משה בן שם-טוב די-ליאון) aka the Ben Shem-Tob Spain 1250 – 1305 CE Teachers: Shimon bar Yochai; Rab…»)
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Rabbi Moses de Leon aka Moshe ben Shem-Tov (משה בן שם-טוב די-ליאון) aka the Ben Shem-Tob

Spain 1250 – 1305 CE Teachers: Shimon bar Yochai; Rabbi Akiva; Rabbi Yosef Karo ; Rabbi Abraham Abulafia; Isaac Luria; Rabbi Chaim Vital; Rabbi Isaac b. Jacob Ha-Kohen, author of the Treatise on the Left Emanation; Solomon ibn Gabirol; Yehuda Halevi; Maimonides; Levi ben Todros Abulafia; Todros ha-Levi Abulafia; Students: Moses ben Jacob Cordovero; Rabbi Philip Berg (RIP 2013) and the Berg Kabalah family ; Eliphas Levi; Menachem Azaria; Naphtali Herz ben Jacob Elhanan; Guillaume Postel, 1st Latin translation; Gershom Scholem in modern times; Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto AKA The RaMCHaL; Organizations: Author: Sefer ha-Rimon, 1287; maybe the Zohar, or he at least complied and annotated it; Ha-Nefesh ha-Hakhamah, aka Ha-Mishqal, 1608; Shekel ha-Kodesh, 1292; Mishkan ha-Edut aka Sefer ha-Sodot, 1293; Comments: was deliberately mysterious, releasing the "translation" a few pages at a time, perhaps for commercial motives; Qabalist; Rabbi; Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moses_de_Le%C3%B3n ;