Секлер, Филлис
Phyllis Seckler AKA "Soror Meral:"
America 1917 - 2004 Teachers: Aleister Crowley; Karl Germer; Sascha Germer; Grady McMurtry, husband; Students: Jack Parsons; Helen Parson Smith; Jerry Cornelius; James Wasserman Michael Ripple; James Graeb (RIP 2012) ; Sharon Morton; Lola Dewolf AKA Lola Kaye Lewis;Chuck Furnace ;Anna-Kria King ; James Eshelman; Organizations: OTO AKA Ordo Templi Orientis ( Master of 418 Lodge of O.T.O.); A∴A∴ or Argenteum Astrum (the Silver Star); College of Thelema; Temple of Thelema; Temple of the Silver Star Author: In the Continuum magazine; The Thoth Tarot, Astrology & Other Selected Writings. with Rorac Johnson, Gregory Peters, and David Shoemaker; Comments: Thelemite; Rosicrucian; a real loss to Thelema, one of the secrets behind reestablishing the OTO, along with Sec. General Bill Heidrick the pillars that supported the mission if always the MAN Grady McMurtry; Resources: Seckler (2003). Jerry Cornelius and Marlene Cornelius. ed. Jane Wolfe: Her Life With Aleister Crowley (Part 1). Red Flame #10; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phyllis_Seckler; http://www.thelema.org/; http://418lodge.org/Site/Welcome.html; http://www.scribd.com/doc/35530023/James-Eshelman-The-Spiritual-System-of-Aleister-Crowley-George-Cecil-Jones-Step-By-Step ; read her here -http://www.thelema.org/publications/itc.html