Казобон, Исаак

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Isaac Casaubon aka the most learned man in Europe Switzerland / England 1559 - 1614 Teachers; Diogenes Laertius; ; Aristotle; Hermes Trismegistus; John Dee; Marsilio Ficino; Giovanni Pico della Mirandola; Gemistus Pletho AKA George Gemistos Plethon; John Argyropoulos; Francis Portus; Theocritus ; Strabo; Dionysius of Halicarnassus; Polyaenus; Pliny the Elder; Theophrastus; Athenaeus of Naucratis; Jean Gosselin; Persius; Suetonius; Aeschylus; Justin Martyr (@ 150 CE); Students: Antoine Fabre d'Olivet; Theodorus Janssonius van Almeloveen; Meric Casaubon aka Marc Casaubon aka Emericus Casaubon, son; Umberto Eco, author who uses him as a character; George Eliot AKA Mary Anne Evans, British writer; Ralph Cudworth, who felt only 3 of the 17 Hermetic works were late Greek /Egyptian works ; GRS Mead ; Mark Pattison; Anthony Grafton ; Joanna Weinberg; Alastair Hamilton; Nicholas Stone, sculptor; Johanne Russell; Friends: Joachim Morsius; Henry Wotton,; Richard ("Dutch") Thomson  ; Joseph Scaliger; Méric de Vicq; Giovanni Diodati; King James I of England; Rev. John Overall; Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Ely; Sir Henry Savile; Thomas Morton aka Thomas Moreton, Bishop of Durham;

Enemies: Athanasius Kircher, Jesuit ; Pierre du Moulin; Marie de Medici; William Camden; Richard Montagu; Sir Robert Cotton ; Henry Spelman; Joannes Eudaemonl; Heribert Rosweyd ; Scioppius (aka Gaspar Schoppe); Andreas Schott of Antwerp; Ursin (aka John Henry Ursinus); Organizations: Author: Strabo, 1587; De rebus sacris et ecclesiasticis exercitationes aka On Matters Sacred and Ecclesiastical XVI, 1614, on the Hermetic Corpus ; De Satyrica Graecorum & Romanorum Satira, 1605;translated and commentary on early Christian works, St. Gregory Letter XVI—To Eustathia, Ambrosia, and Basilissa, St. Cyril the Catecheses and Epistle to Constantius ; the “Ephemerides” , his diary in Latin, published 1850; “Casauboni epistolæ, insertis ad easdem responsionibus“, his letters, published 1709; Comments; placed Hermes Trismegistus corpus correctly in Egypt after Christ, not during the Pyramids; Hermeticist ; Protestant Huguenot; Greek, Hebrew and Latin scholar; Nicholas Stone monument to him in Westminster Abbey;

Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Casaubon ; http://www.bartleby.com/217/1306.html; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermes_Trismegistus ; read a long bio here - https://archive.org/stream/cu31924021597681#page/n9/mode/2up or here http://archive.org/stream/cu31924021597681/cu31924021597681_djvu.txt (same one) ; http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2011/oct/27/hero-hebraic-renaissance/ ; if you read Latin, read him here - http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/cera/casaubon1/Casaubonus_epistolae_I.html ;