Гилберт, Роберт

Материал из Телемапедии
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R.A. Gilbert AKA Robert Gilbert England Teachers: A.E. Waite; Israel Regardie Students: Friends: Stephen Skinner; Francis King; Ellic Howe; Nevill Drury; R.G.Torrens;

Organizations: Freemasonry; Fellow of the Rose Circle Research Society;

Author: The Golden Dawn Scrapbook: The Rise and Fall of a Magical Order (1998) ; Casting the First Stone: The Hypocrisy of Religious Fundamentalism and Its Threat to Society (1993); A.E. Waite: A Bibliography; Golden Dawn: Twilight of the Magicians (1983); The Golden Dawn Companion ;

Comments: Occult researcher ; one of several authors of the 70s whose scholarship and books brought the Occult Renaissance of the 70s to the people.; More a scholar than a Practitioner, from the little publicly known ; Antiquarian; Freemason ; A.E. Waite, Fellowship of the Rosy Cross; HOGD, Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, SRIA,

Resources: http://www.amazon.com/R.-A.-Gilbert/e/B001IOBL8W/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1344362653&sr=1-2-ent; http://www.rosecircle.org/cms/node/36