Валентин: различия между версиями

Строка 335: Строка 335:
* Пейджелс, Элейн. Евангелие от Фомы. Апокрифы ранних христиан. — М.: Карьера Пресс, 2018.
* Пейджелс, Элейн. Евангелие от Фомы. Апокрифы ранних христиан. — М.: Карьера Пресс, 2018.
* Трофимова, М.К. Евангелие от Филиппа //  Апокрифы древних христиан: Исследование, тексты, комментарии / Акад. обществ. наук при ЦК КПСС. Ин-т науч. атеизма; Редкол.: А.Ф. Окулов (пред.) и др. — М.: Мысль, 1989. — С. 263—296.
* Трофимова, М.К. Евангелие от Филиппа //  Апокрифы древних христиан: Исследование, тексты, комментарии / Акад. обществ. наук при ЦК КПСС. Ин-т науч. атеизма; Редкол.: А.Ф. Окулов (пред.) и др. — М.: Мысль, 1989. — С. 263—296.
* BARNSTONE, W. The Gospel of Philip // BARNSTONE, W. and MEYER, M. The Gnostic Bible. Boston & London: Shambhala, 2003., 257-98.
* Barnstone, W. The Gospel of Philip // Barnstone, W., Meyer, M. The Gnostic Bible. Boston; London: Shambhala, 2003. — P. 257—98.
* BUCKLEY, J.J. and GOOD, D. “Sacramental Language and Verbs of Generating, Creating, and Begetting in the Gospel of Philip // JECS 5 (1997). - P. 1-19.
* Buckley, J.J., Good, D.J. Sacramental Language and Verbs of Generating, Creating, and Begetting in the Gospel of Philip // JECS, 5 (1997). P. 1—19.
* CARTLIDGE, D.R.; DUNGAN, D.L.; and PAGELS, E. The Gospel of Philip // Documents for the Study of the Gospels. -2nd ed.. - Minneapolis: Fortress, 1994). - P. 53-75.
* Cartlidge, D.R., Dungan, D.L., Pagels, E. The Gospel of Philip // Documents for the Study of the Gospels. 2nd ed. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1994. P. 53—75.
* CHARRON, R. and PAINCHAUD, L. "God is a Dyer": The Background and Significance of a Puzzling Motif in the Coptic Gospel According to Philip (CG II,3) // Museon, 114 (2001). - P. 41-50.
* Charron, R., Painchaud, L. «God is a Dyer»: The Background and Significance of a Puzzling Motif in the Coptic Gospel According to Philip (CG II,3) // Muséon, 114 (2001). P. 41—50.
* DECONICK, A.D. Entering God’s Presence: Sacramentalism in the Gospel of Philip // SBL 1998 Seminar Papers (SBLSP 37; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998), 483-523.
* DeConick, A.D. Entering God’s Presence: Sacramentalism in the Gospel of Philip // Society of Biblical Literature 1998 Seminar Papers. — Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998. — (SBLSP, 37). — P. 483—523.
* DECONICK, A.D. The True Mysteries: Sacramentalism in the Gospel of Philip // VC 55 (2001). - P. 225-61.
* DeConick, A.D. The True Mysteries: Sacramentalism in the Gospel of Philip // Vigilae Christianae, 55 (2001). P. 225—261.
* FRANZMANN, M. The Concept of Rebirth as the Christ and the Initiatory Rituals of the Bridal Chamber in the Gospel of Philip // Antichthon 30 (1996). - P. 34-48.
* Franzmann, M. The Concept of Rebirth as the Christ and the Initiatory Rituals of the Bridal Chamber in the Gospel of Philip // Antichthon, 30 (1996). P. 34—48.
* KLAUCK, H.-J. “The Gospel of Philip,” §7b) in Apocryphal Gospels: An Introduction (trans. B. McNeil; London / New York: T & T Clark, 2003), 123-35.
* Klauck, H.-J. The Gospel of Philip // Apocryphal Gospels: An Introduction / Transl. by B. McNeil. — London; New York: T & T Clark, 2003. — P. 123—135.
* LAYTON, B. The Gospel According to Philip // LAYTON, B. Coptic Gnostic Chrestomathy: A Selection of Coptic Texts with Grammatical Analysis and Glossary. Leuven / Paris / Dudley, MA: Peeters, 2004., 161-88.
* Layton, B. The Gospel According to Philip // Layton, B. Coptic Gnostic Chrestomathy: A Selection of Coptic Texts with Grammatical Analysis and Glossary. Leuven; Paris; Dudley, MA: Peeters, 2004. — P. 161—188.
* Leloup, J.-Y. The Gospel of Philip: Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and the Gnosis of Sacred Union. Trans. J. Rowe. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions, 2004.
* Leloup, J.-Y. The Gospel of Philip: Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and the Gnosis of Sacred Union / Transl. by J. Rowe. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions, 2004.
* OS, B. VAN. “Was the Gospel of Philip Written in Syria? // Apocrypha, 17 (2006). - P. 87-93
* Os, B. van. Was the Gospel of Philip Written in Syria? // Apocrypha, 17 (2006). P. 87—93.
* PAGELS, E. “The ‘Mystery of Marriage’ in the Gospel of Philip,” Chapter 8 in 8733, 107-16.
* Pagels, E. The «Mystery of Marriage» in the Gospel of Philip // Segal, R.A., et al. The Allure of Gnosticism: The Gnostic Experience in Jungian Psychology and Contemporary Culture. — Chicago; La Salle: Open Court, 1995. — P. 107—116.
* PAGELS, E. Ritual in the Gospel of Philip // TURNER, J.D. and MCGUIRE, A. The Nag Hammadi Library after Fifty Years: Proceedings of the 1995 Society of Biblical Literature Commemoration. (NHMS 44.) Leiden: Brill, 1997, 280-91.
* Pagels, E. Ritual in the Gospel of Philip // Turner, J.D., McGuire, A. The Nag Hammadi Library after Fifty Years: Proceedings of the 1995 Society of Biblical Literature Commemoration. Leiden: Brill, 1997. — (Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 44). — P. 280—291.
* PAINCHAUD, L. “Le Christ vainqueur de la mort dans l’Évangelie selon Philippe: Une exégèse valentinienne de Matt. 27:46,” NovT 38 (1996), 382-92
* Painchaud, L. Le Christ vainqueur de la mort dans l’Évangelie selon Philippe: Une exégèse valentinienne de Matt. 27:46 // Novum Testamentum, 38 (1996). — P. 382—392.
* PAINCHAUD, L. “La composition de l’Évangile selon Philippe (NH II,3): une analyse rhétorique,” in SBL 1996 Seminar Papers (SBLSP 35; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1996), 35-66.
* Painchaud, L. La composition de l’Évangile selon Philippe (NH II,3): une analyse rhétorique // Society of Biblical Literature 1996 Seminar Papers. — Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1996. — (SBLSP, 35). — P. 35—66.
* Schenke, H.-M. Das Philippus-Evangelium (Nag-Hammadi Codex II,3); Neu herausgegeben, übersetzt und erklärt. (TU, 143.) Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1997.
* Schenke, H.-M. Das Philippus-Evangelium (Nag-Hammadi Codex II,3); Neu herausgegeben, übersetzt und erklärt. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1997. — (Texte und Untersuchungen, 143).  
* THIERING, B. “The Date and Unity of the Gospel of Philip // Journal of Higher Criticism 2:1 (Spring 1995), 102-11
* Thiering, B. The Date and Unity of the Gospel of Philip // Journal of Higher Criticism, 2:1 (Spring 1995). — P. 102—111.
* THOMASSEN, E. Gos. Philip 67:27-30: Not ‘in a Mystery // PAINCHAUD, L. and POIRIER, P.-H. Coptica-Gnostica-Manichaica: Mélanges offerts à Wolf-Peter Funk. (Bibliothèque copte de Nag Hammadi, “Études” 7.) Québec: Peeters, 2006., 925-39.
* Thomassen, E. Gos. Philip 67:27-30: Not «in a Mystery» // Painchaud, L., Poirier, P.-H. Coptica-Gnostica-Manichaica: Mélanges offerts à Wolf-Peter Funk. — Québec: Peeters, 2006. — (Bibliothèque copte de Nag Hammadi, «Études», 7). — P. 925-939.
* THOMASSEN, E. How Valentinian Is The Gospel of Philip // TURNER, J.D. and MCGUIRE, A. The Nag Hammadi Library after Fifty Years: Proceedings of the 1995 Society of Biblical Literature Commemoration. (NHMS 44.) Leiden: Brill, 1997, 251-79.
* Thomassen, E. How Valentinian Is The Gospel of Philip? // Turner, J.D., McGuire, A. The Nag Hammadi Library after Fifty Years: Proceedings of the 1995 Society of Biblical Literature Commemoration. Leiden: Brill, 1997. — (Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 44). — P. 251—279.
* Turner, M.L. The Gospel according to Philip: The Sources and Coherence of an Early Christian Collection. — Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1996. — (Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 38).
* Turner, M.L. The Gospel according to Philip: The Sources and Coherence of an Early Christian Collection. — Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1996. — (Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 38).
* TURNER, M.L. On the Coherence of the Gospel According to Philip // TURNER, J.D. and MCGUIRE, A. The Nag Hammadi Library after Fifty Years: Proceedings of the 1995 Society of Biblical Literature Commemoration. (NHMS 44.) Leiden: Brill, 1997, 223-50.
* Turner, M.L. On the Coherence of the Gospel According to Philip // Turner, J.D., McGuire, A. The Nag Hammadi Library after Fifty Years: Proceedings of the 1995 Society of Biblical Literature Commemoration. Leiden: Brill, 1997. — (Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 44). — P. 223—250.

====Премудрость Иисуса Христа====
====Премудрость Иисуса Христа====
Строка 363: Строка 363:
* Ehrman, B.D. The Wisdom of Jesus Christ // After the New Testament: A Reader in Early Christianity. — New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. — P. 177—182.
* Ehrman, B.D. The Wisdom of Jesus Christ // After the New Testament: A Reader in Early Christianity. — New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. — P. 177—182.
* Klauck, H.-J. The Sophia of Jesus Christ // Apocryphal Gospels: An Introduction / Transl. by B. McNeil. —London; New York: T & T Clark, 2003. — P. 147—152.
* Klauck, H.-J. The Sophia of Jesus Christ // Apocryphal Gospels: An Introduction / Transl. by B. McNeil. —London; New York: T & T Clark, 2003. — P. 147—152.
* LÜhrmann, D. , Schlarb, E. Die «Sophia Jesu Christi» // Fragmente apokryph gewordener Evangelien in griechischer und lateinischer Sprache. — Marburg: Elwert, 2000. — (Marburger Theologische Studien, 59). — S. 96—101.
* Lührmann, D. , Schlarb, E. Die «Sophia Jesu Christi» // Fragmente apokryph gewordener Evangelien in griechischer und lateinischer Sprache. — Marburg: Elwert, 2000. — (Marburger Theologische Studien, 59). — S. 96—101.
* Nag Hammadi Codices III, 3-4 and V, 1 with Papyrus Berolinensis 8502, 3 and Oxyrhynchus Papyrus 1081. Eugnostos and The Sophia of Jesus Christ / Ed. by Douglas M. Parrott. — Leiden; N.Y.; København, Köln: E.J. Brill, 1991. — (Nag Hammadi Studies, 27).
* Nag Hammadi Codices III, 3-4 and V, 1 with Papyrus Berolinensis 8502, 3 and Oxyrhynchus Papyrus 1081. Eugnostos and The Sophia of Jesus Christ / Ed. by Douglas M. Parrott. — Leiden; N.Y.; København, Köln: E.J. Brill, 1991. — (Nag Hammadi Studies, 27).