Стэвиш, Марк

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Марк Стэвиш

Стэвиш, Марк (Mark Stavish, 19 февраля 1964 — ) — крупнейший знаток оккультизма, основатель Института герметических исследований, исследователь каббалы, алхимии и астрологии.

Марк Стэвиш родился 19 февраля 1964 года в Уилкс-Барре, штат Пенсильвания, США. Сын Стэнли и Беверли Джин (Эдмундс) Стэвиш. Образование

Студент колледжа Уилкса, 1984 год. Бакалавр в области массовых коммуникаций/теологии, Королевский колледж, Уилкс-Барре, 1986 год. Магистр искусств в области консультирования агентств, колледж Род-Айленда, 1991 год.

Teachers: Lon Milo DuQuette; Grady McMurtry ; Dr. Francis Israel Regardie; Robert Anton Wilson; Timothy Leary; William Schaw; James Anderson; William Sinclair of Roslin; David Cunningham of Robertland; Sir James Murray of Kilbaderton; Sir Anthony Alexander; Sir John Veitch of Dawyck; John Carmichael; William Moray of Dreghorn; Sir Robert Moray, his brother; Sir William Bruce, 1671; John Theophilus Desaguliers; Albert Pike; Albert Mackey; Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie; Students: Friends: James Wasserman; John Michael Greer; Joseph C. Lisiewski Fellow Researchers: Robert Lomas; Kirk White ;Christopher Knight; Stephen Dafoe; Andrew Hammer; Cliff Porter ; The Knights of the North;Christopher Hodapp; Tobias Churton; Tim Hogan; S. Brent Morris; Laurence Gardner; WB Chuck Furnace; WB Justin D****;

Organizations: Freemasonry; the OTO AKA Ordo Templi Orientis;, I think,; Director, Institute for Hermetic Studies; established the Louis Claude de St. Martin Fund, a non-profit dedicated to advancing the study and practice of Western Esotericism; Author: The Key to Solomon's Key: Is This the Lost Symbol of Masonry? by Lon Milo DuQuette, James Wasserman and Mark Stavish; The Path of Alchemy: Energetic Healing & the World of Natural Magic (Pathways to Enlightenment) , 2006; Between the Gates: Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, and the Body of Light in Western Esotericism by Mark Stavish and John Michael Greer, 2008; Kabbalah for Health & Wellness, 2007; ABRAHADABRA: Some Thoughts on The Word; Howlings from the Pit A Practical Handbook of Medieval Magic, Goetia & Theurgy by Joseph C. Lisiewski, Ph.D. with Introduction & Commentary by Mark Stavish; Israel Regardie and the Philosopher's Stone; The Alchemical Arts Brought Down to Earth by Joseph C. Lisiewski, Ph.D., introduced by Mark Stavish; The Path of Alchemy Comments: Qabalist; Rosicrucian; Freemason; Ceremonial Magician ; Resources: http://www.hermeticinstitute.org/html/author.html; http://www.amazon.com/Mark-Stavish/e/B001JS2Z5A/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1346261765&sr=1-2-ent; http://www.llewellyn.com/author.php?author_id=1086; http://hermetic.com/stavish/essays/abrahadabra.html#_ftn2; http://www.originalfalcon.com/authors.php?lookup=mark_stavish, his blog at http://thearchdruidreport.blogspot.com/