Багряная Жена

Материал из Телемапедии
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Алистер Кроули
Святые книги Телемы
Божественные образы
Понятия и символы
Ритуалы Телемы

Багряная Жена — в мистической и магической системе Телемы физическое воплощение или представительница универсального женского начала. Алистер Кроули полагал, что у Бабалон есть земная ипостась — своего рода духовный чин или служение, которое может нести воплощенная женщина. Кроули называл этот чин «Багряной Женой» и рассматривал как дополнение к чину «Великого Зверя» (To Mega Therion), земным воплощением которого считал самого себя:

Это БАБАЛОН, истинная возлюбленная Зверя; все его любовницы на более низких планах — лишь Ее аватары (Кроули, Видение и Голос, op. cit., с. 141.).

Ее задача, по мнению Кроули, заключалась в том, чтобы способствовать проявлению энергий Эона Хора (начавшегося, согласно учению Телемы, в день весеннего равноденствия 1904 года, с обретением «Книги Закона»). В одном из комментариев к «Liber V vel Reguli» Кроули отметил, что Багряная Жена и Зверь — это «земные эмиссары» богов Нового Эона.

Многих своих возлюбленных и магических помощниц Кроули рассматривал как Багряных Жен, исполняющих эту вселенскую миссию на Земле. Важную роль в истории Телемы как «аватары Бабалон» сыграли Роза Эдит Келли, Мэри Дести, Лейла Уоддел, Джин Фостер, Родди Майнор и Лия Хирсиг и другие.

Новый комментарий к КЗ I:15 That which is beneath is like that which is above. The Beast and the Scarlet Woman are avatars of Tao and Teh, Shiva and Sakti. This Law is then an exact image of the Great Law of the Cosmos; this is an assurance of its Perfection.

It is necessary to say here that The` Beast appears to be a definite individual; to wit, the man Aleister Crowley. But the Scarlet Woman is an officer replaceable as need arises. Thus to this present date of writing, Anno XVI, Sun in Sagittarius, there have been several holders of the title.

1. Rose Edith Crowley nee Kelly, my wife. Put me in touch with Aiwas; see Equinox 1, 7, "The Temple of Solomon the King." Failed as elsewhere is on record.

2. A doubtful case. Mary d'Este Sturges nee Dempsey. Put me in touch with Abuldiz; hence helped with Book 4. Failed from personal jealousies.

3. Jeanne Robert Foster nee Oliver. Bore the "child" to whom this Book refers later. Failed from respectability.

4. Roddie Minor. Brought me in touch with Amalantrah. Failed from indifference to the Work.

5. A doubtful case, Marie Rohling nee Lavroff. Helped to inspire Liber CXI. Failed from indecision.

6. A doubtful case, Bertha Almira Prykryl nee Bruce. Delayed assumption of duties, hence made way for No. 7.

7. Lea Hersig. Assisted me in actual initiation; still at my side, An XVII, Sol in Sagittarius. (P.S. & An XIX, Sol in Aries).

"Prince-priest" is an unusual word, and not in tone with other references to me. I suspect therefore a secret cipher of some sort. For one thing, it is an anagram of PRINCEPS ITER, not bad for Alastor the Wanderer, or PRINCIPS ERIT, he shall be the chief (see verse 23). But such Qabalah is hardly to be considered serious. The recurrence of the letters PRI is however curious and may be significant. The combination PR in most Aryan Languages gives the idea of "Before." P and R are the letters of Mars and Sol respectively. Now Mars is referred to the number 5, and Sol to the number 6; both to the idea "Force and Fire", though in different ways. Now "Force and Fire" is the attribute of Ra-Hoor-Khuit, Lord of the Aeon; and 5 and 6 are mystically mated to represent the Accomplishment of the Great Work in Abrahadabra, the Word of the Aeon. (See, for this Word, infra Qabalistic Appendix). The termination ST is the coronal combination XXXI which we shall notice often enough later on.

The Beast, besides 666 correspondences, is by English sound, the Magus (Beth, Mercury, etc.) of this ST. S has in the Tarot the card numbered XX, which represents the Stele of Revealing, and is called the Judgment; i.e., the ending of an Aeon. T has the card numbered XI and is called Strength. It is the card of Leo and represents Babalon and the Beast conjoined.

Багряные Жены Кроули

  • 1. Уарда-Пророчица — Роза Келли, ок. 1903—1906, Каирская Работа.
  • 2. Лайла, или Принцесса Батерст, — Лейла Уоддел, ок. 1910—1916, Элевсинские мистерии.
  • 3. Сестра Виракам — Мэри Дести (Дести Стерджес), ок. 1911—1916, Абульдизово Делание.
  • 4. «Кошка», или Хиларион, — Джин Роберт Фостер (урожденная Олливье), ок. 1915, зачатие магического ребенка.
  • 5. «Змея» — Хелен Уэстли, ок. 1915, магические операции общего характера (финансовые и т.д.).
  • 6. «Сова» — Мария фон Котек, ок. 1916—1917, магические операции общего характера.
  • 7. «Мартышка» — Ратан Деви (Элис Этель Кумарасвами, урожденная Ричардсон), ок. 1916—1917.
  • 8. «Собака» — Анна Кэтрин Миллер, ок. 1917, операции для получения денег.
  • 9. «Верблюдица», она же Ахита, она же Ева, — Родди Майнор (миссис Зайн), ок. 1917—1918, Работа Амалантры.
  • 10. Базедон, она же «Жаба», она же «Скорпион» №4, — Эльза Лёвензон Линке, ок. 1918, операции для финансирования Работы Амалантры.
  • 11. Олун, она же «Скорпион» №2, — Мария Рёлинг, ок. 1918, участие в Работе Амалантры.
  • 12. «Скорпион» №1 — Ева Тангвей, ок. 1918, участие в Работе Амалантры.
  • 13. Весрун, она же «333», она же «888», — Дороти Троксель, ок. 1918, участие в Работе Амалантры.
  • 14. «Обезьяна», она же Алостраэль», «последняя помощница в моих посвящениях», — Лия Хирсиг, ок. 1918—1923, работы, связанные с Амалантрой и LAM, работы в Телемском аббатстве, Джеридский комментарий и видения.
  • 15. Сестра Астрид — Дороти Ольсен, ок. 1925—1926, Тунисская работа.
  • 16. «Верховная жрица вуду» — Мария де Мирамар, ок. 1928—1930, вуду, вызывание духа огня, «безымянный страх».
  • 17. Ану, или «Чудовище», — Ханни Ларисса Йегер, ок. 1929—1931, магические операции общего характера.
  • 18. «Билли» — Берта Буш, ок. 1931—1933, приступы безумия.
  • 19. Перл («Жемчужина») — Ивлин Бруксмит, ок. 1933—1936, неудачная попытка зачатия наследника.
  • 20. Пэт — Дейдре Патрисия Догерти Макальпин, ок. 1933, 1936—1938, единственная удачная попытка зачатия наследника (сын от Кроули — Алистер Ататюрк).

Бабалон, известная также под именами «Багряная жена», «Великая мать» и «Мать мерзостей», — это богиня, которую почитают в мистической системе Телемы, основанной Алистером Кроули в 1904 году, в год создания «Книги Закона». В самой абстрактной своей ипостаси Бабалон олицетворяет женскую сексуальность и освобожденную женщину; отчасти ее можно отождествить с Матерью-Землей как богиней плодородия. Кроули утверждал, что у Бабалон есть и земная ипостась — своего рода духовный чин или должность, которую могут занимать различные женщины. Эти женщины были призваны дополнять самого Кроули в роли «To Mega Therion» («Великого Зверя»), помогая ему воплощать в жизнь энергии Нового Эона — Эона Хора. Супруг Бабалон — Хаос, «Отец Жизни», мужская форма Творящего Начала. Обычно Бабалон изображают подпоясанной мечом и едущей верхом на Звере. Ее нередко именуют «священной блудницей», а основной символ ее — чаша Грааля.

«И повел меня в духе в пустыню; и я увидел жену, сидящую на звере багряном, преисполненном именами богохульными, с семью головами и десятью рогами. И жена облечена была в порфиру и багряницу, украшена золотом, драгоценными камнями и жемчугом, и держала золотую чашу в руке своей, наполненную мерзостями и нечистотою блудодейства ее; и на челе ее написано имя: тайна, Вавилон великий, мать блудницам и мерзостям земным» (Откр. 17:3—6).

Как писал Кроули в своей «Книге Тота», «Она восседает на Звере; в левой руке она держит поводья — символ страсти, связывающей ее со Зверем. Правой рукой она возносит чашу — Святой Грааль, пылающий любовью и смертью. В чаше этой смешаны элементы причастия нового Эона».

Кроули был убежден, что многие из его возлюбленных и помощниц в магической работе исполняли важную космическую роль, способствуя исполнению пророчества о Новом Эоне. Следующий далее перечень возлюбленных Кроули далеко не полон. Известно, что женщин в его жизни было гораздо больше. Для тех из них, о ком мы нашли какую-то информацию, здесь приводятся даты рождения и смерти (если таковые известны), магические имена, которые эти женщины принимали при посвящении, а также забавные любовные прозвища, которые Кроули давал некоторым из них.

Сьюзен Стронг. В марте 1899 года на одном из «Обрядов Исиды», которые проводил для парижской публики Макгрегор Мазерс, Кроули познакомился с американской певицей-сопрано по имени Сьюзен Стронг (3 августа 1870 — 11 марта 1946). Сьюзен была дочерью Денниса Стронга — американского конгрессмена и мэра Бруклина. В возрасте 21 года она приехала в Великобританию и поступила в лондонский Королевский музыкальный колледж, где обучалась под руководством знаменитого венгерского музыканта Фрэнсиса Корбея. Второй раз Кроули увиделся со Сьюзен в Лондоне 22 июня 1899 года, когда она исполняла партию Венеры в «Тангейзере». Последовал бурный роман, в результате которого Сьюзен развелась со своим мужем-американцем. Но по возвращении в США (в октябре 1899) она, по всей вероятности, охладела к Кроули. В июне следующего года тот последовал за ней в Нью-Йорк, но Сьюзен к тому времени уже отплыла обратно в Англию, где ее ждала сцена Королевской оперы в Ковент-Гардене. В 1900 в Мехико Кроули пережил мистическое откровение, под влиянием которого написал пьесу под названием «Тангейзер». Этим мощным приливом вдохновением он, по собственным словам, был обязан роману со Сьюзен Стронг.

«Semper Fidelis» (Элейн Симпсон). Родилась в 1875 году в Западной Бенгалии. Она была первой из любовниц Кроули, сыгравших его жизни важную роль, и Кроули находил ее очаровательной. Элейн Симпсон состояла в ордене Золотой Зари под девизом «Semper Fidelis» (лат. «Всегда верна»). 18 января 1897 года она вступила в ряды ордена, а 18 марта 1899-го достигла степени Младшего Адепта (5°=6°). Кроули познакомился с Элейн в 1899 году. 17 апреля того же года они вместе отправились в Лондон, чтобы по указанию Мазерса изъять имущество последнего из храма Золотой Зари и доставить его Мазерсу в Париж. Для этого предприятия Кроули облачился в традиционный шотландский костюм — с килтом, позолоченным крестом на перевязи и внушительным кинжалом на боку, — и скрыл лицо черной маской, хотя для адептов лондонского храма это отнюдь не сделало его неузнаваемым. Кроули потерпел неудачу, а Мазерс был исключен из рядов ордена. К 1900 году Кроули и Элейн расстались, но в 1906 году Кроули посетил ее в Шанхае, где они провели совместную магическую операцию и истолковали некоторые стихи из «Книги Закона». Позднее Элейн вышла замуж за немца по фамилии Вёлькер, состоявшего на службе у кайзера. Унаследовав от деда «замечательную приспособляемость к новому окружению», она легко добилась популярности в немецком высшем обществе. Дедом ее был сэр Джон Холл (1824—1907), премьер-министр Новой Зеландии с 1879 по 1882 гг. Родители Элейн, преподобный Уильям Симпсон и Элис Холл, поженились в 1873 году и несколько лет провели в Индии (в Патне, Рурки и других городах). Мать Элейн, Элис, родилась в Махаблешваре (Индия) и, подобно самой Элейн, состояла в ордене Золотой Зари, а также в Королевском азиатском обществе. Овдовев, Элис отправилась путешествовать по США, Канаде и Дальнему Востоку. Кроули отзывался о ней нелицеприятно: по его словам, Элис была «ужасная мать, шестисортная певичка и первосортная выскочка, пузатая и со вторым подбородком; сводня, интриганка и сентиментальная тупица». Эта неприязнь объяснялась просто: Элис распространяла слухи о том, что Кроули по ночам приходил в астральном теле к ее дочери. Элейн была старшей из двух дочерей в семье. Ее младшая сестра, Беатрис, перебралась в Нью-Йорк и стала актрисой и поэтессой, приняв сценическое имя «Беатрис Ирвин».

«Уарда» (Роза Эдит Келли). Первая официальная супруга Алистера Кроули и первая Багряная Жена. Родилась в Англии 23 июля 1874 года в семье Фредерика Фестаса Келли и Бланш Брэдфорд Келли. У нее были младшие брат и сестра — Джеральд Фестас Келли и Элеанор Констанс Мэри Келли. В 1880 году семья переехала в Кэмбервелл, где отец Розы на протяжении последующих 35 лет служил викарием в приходе Сент-Джайлс. В 1895 году Роза вместе со своим братом посетила Кейптаун (Южная Африка), куда Джеральда направили врачи для поправки печени. 31 августа 1897 года в Кэмбервелле Роза вышла замуж за майора Фредерика Томаса Скеррета из Военно-медицинского колледжа (при всех упоминаниях он именуется не иначе как «старик»). Овдовев через два года, она отправилась к своему брату Джеральду в Париж и провела там шесть месяцев. 13 июля 1903 года Кроули поехал в Эдинбург, чтобы пополнить свой запас вин, нанять экономку и пообщаться с Джеральдом, который собирался провести лето в Стратпеффере, в горах Шотландии. В августе Кроули по приглашению Джеральда посетил вечеринку в Стратпеффере и именно там познакомился с Розой. Роза к тому времени уже была помолвлена с неким Хоуэллом, приятелем Джеральда. Она его не любила, но родители требовали, чтобы она как можно скорее снова вступила в брак. Роза была влюблена в женатого мужчину по имени Фрэнк Саммерс, но понимала, что у этих отношений нет будущего. Кроули как джентльмен предложил ей неожиданное решение проблемы: вступить с ним в фиктивный брак. Роза с радостью согласилась. Брак Розы Келли и Алистера Кроули был зарегистрирован 12 августа 1903 года в Дингуолле (Шотландия). Однако фиктивным он не остался: молодожены неожиданно влюбились друг в друга, и эта любовь оказалась страстной и плодотворной, в том числе в магическом отношении. Кроули стал называть свою жену «Уарда», что по-арабски значит «роза». 16 марта 1904 года в Каире Кроули решил провести некий ритуал, чтобы развлечь Розу и «показать ей сильфов». Роза, по всей видимости, погрузилась в легкий транс и стала повторять: «Они ждут тебя!» Поначалу Кроули не доверял ее словам, но потом все же решил проверить. Он привел Розу в Булакский музей и попросил показать бога Хора, который, по словам Розы, искал контакта с Кроули. Пройдя мимо нескольких общеизвестных изображений Хора, Роза привела своего мужа к деревянной погребальной стеле 26-й династии. На этой стеле был изображен Хор, принимающий подношения от усопшего. Сильное впечатление на Кроули произвело еще и то, что в каталоге экспозиции стела значилась под номером 666: с этим знаменитым числом он отождествлялся с самого детства. Следуя дальнейшим указаниям Розы, с 8 по 10 апреля 1904 года Кроули получил от духа по имени Айвасс, посланника Хора, откровение, составившее «Книгу Закона». В июле 1904 года у Розы и Кроули родилась дочь, которой Кроули дал имя «Нуит Ма Ахатхор Геката Сапфо Иезавель Лилит Кроули». В 1906 году девочка умерла от брюшного тифа, но летом того же года Роза родила еще одну дочь, получившую имя «Лола Заза». Из-за потери первого ребенка отношения между супругами осложнились, и в конце концов (11 ноября 1909 года) Кроули развелся с Розой по причине ее тяжелого алкоголизма. В октябре 1912 года в Кенсингтоне Роза вышла замуж в третий раз — за доктора-католика Джозефа Эндрю Гормли. Роза Эдит Гормли умерла в Лондоне 11 февраля 1932 года. Уже во взрослом возрасте Лола Заза отреклась от своего отца. 9 июня 1934 года в Паддингтоне она вышла замуж за Фрэнка Хилла. Там же, в 1935 году, у них родилась дочь Элизабет Хилл. Лола Заза Хилл умерла 9 марта 1990 года в больнице «Бэттл» в Рединге (Беркшир). В перечне своих Багряных Жен Кроули охарактеризовал Розу в следующих словах: «Моя жена. Привела меня к Айвассу. Храм царя Соломона. Потерпела неудачу, как о том можно прочесть в других источниках».

«Сфинкс» (Ада Леверсон). Ада Леверсон (1859—1936), английская романистка, состоятельная и известная женщина эдвардианской эпохи. С 1907 по 1916 гг. вышло в свет шесть ее романов. Ада рано вышла замуж за Эрнеста Леверсона. Сын ее умер в раннем детстве, а дочь, Вайолет, стала женой Гая Уиндема и написала биографию своей матери «Сфинкс в своем кругу». Ада Леверсон дружила со многими художниками и писателями своего времени, от Оскара Уайльда до братьев и сестры Ситуэлл. Именно Уайльд прозвал ее Сфинксом — за то, что Ада написала пародию на одно из его стихотворений, носившее такое же название. Романтические и сексуальные отношения с Адой завязались у Кроули еще до развода с Розой. Кроули разделял мнение Уайльда о том, что Ада — одна из остроумнейших людей, которых он когда-либо встречал в своей жизни. В рецензии на ее сочинения Кроули назвал Аду «самой утонченной и остроумной из всех наших писательниц младшего поколения». Любовная связь их продлилась недолго, и сведений о ней почти не сохранилось; судя по всему, для обоих это было приятное, но мимолетное приключение. В феврале 1908 года Кроули вернулся к своей жене, решив, что она излечилась от алкоголизма, но на поверку ремиссия оказалась недолгой. В последующие годы Ада много путешествовала и на некоторое время осела в Италии в обществе Ситуэллов. К этому времени у нее развилась прогрессирующая глухота. В 1935 году, вернувшись в Лондон из Флоренции, Ада тяжело заболела и год спустя, в возрасте 71 года, скончалась.

«Сестра Агата» (Лейла Уоддел). Лейла Ида Нерисса Батерст Уоделл, известная также под именем «Лайла» (10 августа 1880 — 13 сентября 1932) дочь ирландцев, эмигрировавших в Австралию, была одной из самых знаменитых Багряных Жен Алистера Кроули и сыграла важную роль в истории магии и Телемы. Лейла родилась в Батерсте (Новый Южный Уэльс). Кроули прозвал ее «Лайла», что по-арабски значит «ночь», и обессмертил ее имя в «Книге Лжей» и в своей «Исповеди». Уоддел была творческой личностью — музыкантом, писательницей и магом; она участвовала в первой постановке «Элевсинских мистерий» Алистера Кроули в 1910 году. В 1912 году Кроули отметил участие Лейлы и двух своих учениц, Мэри Дести и Мэри Баттс, в создании его книги «Магия» («Книга Четыре»): все они помогали Кроули в работе над этой книгой, записывая текст под его диктовку, задавая уточняющие вопросы и требуя комментариев к тем или иным пунктам. Лейла была любовницей Кроули с марта 1910 по октябрь 1911 года. Его отношения с ней интересны, в частности, тем, что Лейла, в отличие от многих других возлюбленных Кроули, обладала известной независимостью. Она сопротивлялась давлению Кроули, когда тот требовал от нее посвятить магии всю свою жизнь в ущерб другим занятиям. Тем не менее, она состояла в магическом ордене АА, основанном Кроули, и некоторое время успешно в нем работала. Кроули не хранил ей верность, однако из всех его любовниц именно Лейла, по-видимому, вызывала в нем самые глубокие чувства. Так или иначе, она была для него настоящей музой, вдохновившей Кроули на сочинение нескольких лучших глав из «Книги Лжей» и множества лирических стихотворений. Кроме того, она послужила прототипом героинь двух его рассказов — «Лисица» и «Скрипачка». В 1923 году Лейла вернулась в Сидней, чтобы ухаживать за тяжело больным отцом. Она выступала в составе оркестров Сиднейской консерватории и Королевского филармонического общества Сиднея, играла в театре и преподавала в школе при монастыре Пресвятого Сердца на Элизабет-Бей. 13 сентября 1932 года, в возрасте 52 лет, Лейла умерла от рака матки. 14 сентября 1932 в газете «Сидней Морнинг Геральд» был опубликован следующий некролог: «Вчера скончалась мисс Лейла Ида Батерст Уоддел, сиднейская скрипачка, завоевавшая широкую известность за рубежом. Она была дочерью мистера Дэвида Уоддела из Батерста и Рэндвика и миссис Уоддел из Бельвью-Хилл. Ученица мистера Генри Сталя, мисс Уоддел уже в юном возрасте стала преподавать по классу скрипки в пресвитерианском женском колледже в Кройдоне и женских школах Эшем-скул и Камбала-скул. В качестве исполнительницы она дебютировала на концерте тогдашнего городского органиста (мистера Артура Мэйсона). Затем она присоединилась как солистка к европейской группе «Брешианцы», выступавшей в праздничных крестьянских костюмах и участвовавшей в ранних синематографических представлениях Дж.Т. Уэста. Мистер Уэст пригласил мисс Уоддел в Лондон, где она успешно выступала во главе цыганского ансамбля в «Грезах о вальсе» на сцене театра Дэли. Ее водевильные выступления в роли «Цыганки из рэгтайма» снискали ей славу по всей Англии. Затем мисс Уоддел посетила ряд стран Европы во главе собранного ею ансамбля из шести скрипачек, наделенных даром к торжественному танцу. Также она выступала в составе трио и квартетов. После этого мисс Уоддел направилась в Соединенные Штаты, где провела много лет. Она училась у великих учителей, в том числе у Леопольда Ауэра . Путешествуя по стране, она оказала честь своими выступлениями всем крупным городам. Вернувшись в Сидней несколько лет назад, после долго отсутствия, мисс Уоддел вошла в состав оркестров Дж.К. Уильямсона в Сиднейском театре Ее Величества и театре «Критерион», а также участвовала в оркестровых концертах Сиднейской консерватории и Королевского филармонического общества. Несмотря на постигший ее в последнее время тяжелый недуг, она сохраняла за собой должность преподавательницы по классу скрипки в школе при монастыре Пресвятого Сердца на Элизабет-Бей. Благодаря великолепной исполнительской технике скрипичная игра мисс Уоддел отличалась особой утонченностью и шармом».

«Сестра Виракам» (Мэри Дести Стерджес). Мэри Дести Стерджес, урожденная Демпси (10 октября 1871 — 1931), родилась в Квебеке и провела детские годы в Чикаго. До встречи с Кроули она успела трижды побывать замужем. В 1901 году она приехала в Париж учиться вокалу, где познакомилась с Айседорой Дункан и стала ее подругой. Впоследствии Мэри стала владелицей косметической фирмы «Дести» и нью-йоркской студии, торговавшей произведениями искусства, духами и одеждой. В 1929 году она написала книгу воспоминаний «Нерассказанная история: жизнь Айседоры Дункан, 1921—1927». Мэри Дести описывали как «...эффектную женщину ростом пять футов и пять дюймов, широкую в кости, с пышными иссиня-черными кудрями». Говорили, что в Париже она ходила по улицам в одной греческой тунике и сандалиях. Это была страстная и привлекательная женщина; свою первую встречу с ней Кроули описывает так: «Эта леди, великолепный плод слияния ирландской и итальянской кровей, была наделена исключительной силой личности и колоссальным магнетизмом, мгновенно пробудившим во мне ответную тягу. Я забыл обо всем. Я уселся на пол в позе китайского божка, и между нами потекли невидимые токи». Дести стала второй Багряной Женой Кроули; их роман продолжался с октября 1911 до конца зимы 1912 года. Оказалось, что Дести обладает даром ясновидения; она помогла Кроули установить магическую связь с некой сверхчеловеческой сущностью по имени «Абульдиз», благодаря которой появилась на свет одна из важнейших его книг — «Магия: Liber ABA, или Книга Четыре». Мэри Дести умерла в 1931 году от лейкемии, после двух месяцев тяжелой болезни. В своем списке Багряных Жен Кроули охарактеризовал ее так: «Сомнительный случай. Установила для меня связь с Абульдизом и тем самым помогла написать “Книгу Четыре”. Потерпела неудачу из-за личной ревности».

'the Snake' Helen Westley, (1879 - 1942) A brief lover, she was introduced to Crowley on the evening of June 10, 1915 along with Jeanne Foster,by James Keating, journalist for the German publication Fatherland..

Helen reminded Crowley 'of a snake that glittered with the loveliness of lust; but she was worn and weary with the disappointment of insatiable desire. Her intellect was brilliant but cynical. She had lost faith in the universe.'

Helen was a native of Brooklyn and studied at the Sargent Dramatic School and debuted in 1897 at the Star Theater. She acted in vaudeville and stock roles until 1915. She helped found the first company of the Washington Square Players. Helen left her mark on Hollywood as a 'fine character actress who played eagle-eyed grandmas.'

Helen and friend Jeanne Foster became rivals for Crowley's affection. Crowley became lover to Helen briefly after Jeanne left him.

Soror Hilarion 'the Cat' SW Jeanne Robert Foster nee Olivier (1879–1970) was an American poet from the Adirondack Mountains. She was born Julia Elizabeth Oliver in Johnsburg, New York. In 1896 she married Matlock Foster, and lived in Rochester, New York. She studied drama at the Stanhope-Wheatcroft Dramatic School, and worked in magazine journalism. She became a leading fashion model. The couple then moved to Boston; she continued to work as a journalist there and in New York, becoming literary editor of the American Review of Reviews.

On June 10,1915, Crowley met Jeanne in the company of her friend Hellen Westley; Jeanne was thirty-six when they met. Crowley would have affairs with both women, dubbing them with the theriomorphic names of The Cat and The Snake, drawn from the Egyptian gods Pasht and Apophis. Jeanne was a famous New York fashion model, journalist and editor for Shaw's American Review of Reviews, poet, and she was married to a man older than her father.

It was love at first sight. Crowley asked if she might critique his recent writings and help him improve his prose. Jeanne suggested they meet for tea at her club the next afternoon. By the end of tea time, Crowley felt he new her intimately. Bidding her farewell Crowley said "So, you are tied to this old satyr who snatched you from the cradle. And where does that leave me?"

"I loved you at first sight" she replied, "As a spiritual brother." Then she kissed him and tea ended.

Jeanne was one of Crowley's great loves. Crowley wrote that "I saw my ideal incarnate ... I really loved her with a love more exalted than aught in all my experience." She kept him waiting a month before consummating the liaison, probably something of a record for Crowley, who wrote in his Confessions; "I endured the torture of absence, of doubt, of despair, with all the might of my manhood."

It was indeed a serious relationship; they wrote love poetry to one another, and she considered divorcing her husband to marry Crowley. Crowley's plan was to have a his first male offspring with Jeanne. Jeanne assumed the office of Scarlet Woman in his magical workings, choosing Hilarion as her mystic name. I late September Crowley tried to beget a child by her and -- as evidenced in the final poems of The Golden Rose (the unpublished sonnet cycle chronicling their affair) -- he believed he had succeeded, but, she did not get pregnant.

In early October Crowley set out for a tour of the West Coast, followed by Jeanne, who had 'decided to spice the romance and adventure by taking her husband in tow.' They took a side trip to Vancouver, where Crowley visited Charles Stansfeld Jones, a member of the A.*.A.*. and the Ordo Templi Orientis. They parted in California; on Crowley's return to New York he learned that she had dropped him. He felt the loss acutely. He had been certain she had conceived his child, later writing that 'I did not know that I was attempting a physical impossibility.'

Crowley regained his emotional equilibrium, dismissing the affair as an illusion, and Jeanne Foster as deceitful. Five years later he wrote: "I have not been in love since 1915... Did she really 'break my heart'?"

Quote: 'Failed from respectability.'

Scarlet Woman -- Babalon As Crowley wrote in his The Book of Thoth, “She rides astride the Beast; in her left hand she holds the reins, representing the passion which unites them. In her right she holds aloft the cup, the Holy Grail aflame with love and death. In this cup are mingled the elements of the sacrament of the Aeon”.

Crowley believed that many of his lovers and magical companions were playing a cosmic role, even to the point of fulfilling prophesy.

This list of Crowley's lovers is in no way complete. He is known to have had dozens of lovers, more than are mentioned here, and doubtless more children. Included with the names are their years of birth an death (when known), as well as their initiate names and their 'animal names' that Crowley, with humor and affection, gave to them. Crowley's comments are in relation to his Scarlet Women only; 'SW' indicates Scarlet Woman.

Books, Gifts and More
Greenman fountain at entryway


Leila Waddell (Laylah) Crowley's muse during the writing of 'The Book of LiesLeah Hirsig, the "Ape of 

Thoth". her portrait as a 'Dead Soul' behind her

Leah Hirsig 1925Leah Hirsig, 1925

Leah Hirsig was born April 9, 1883 into a family of nine siblings in Trachselwald, Bern, Switzerland. Her family moved to America when she was two, and she grew up in New York. She taught at a high school in the Bronx while growing up.

She and her older sister Alma were drawn to the occult, and this interest led them in the spring of 1918 to pay a visit to Aleister, who was living at the time in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of Manhattan. Aleister and Leah felt an immediate and instinctive connection. Leah asked him to paint her as a "dead soul' and in Aleister painted several portraits of her.

In 1919 she was consecrated as his Babalon or, "Scarlet Woman", taking the name Alostrael, "the womb (or grail) of God."

Leah had been previously married to Edward Hammond, by whom she had a son, Hans Hammond.

Maria Theresa Ferrari de Miramar, Crowley's 2nd wife. He met her in England in 1929.  the marriage took place in Leipzig, Germany.  

Aleister was 53 at the time. He called her "The High Priestess of Voodoo." He wrote that under her influence, he had been able to start serious magick with ritual precautions. They appeared to be a settled married couple, however, within a year Crowley had found a new lover and wrote to Maria, "You should get a divorce -- find a man who will stand for your secret drinking and your scandalous behavior. Maria wass admitted to Colney Hatch mental hospital suffering from the delusion that she was the daughter of the king and queen.

Lady Frieda Harris, artist for the Thoth Tarot DeckLeah Hirsig, the She was, however, in love with a married man by the name of Frank Summers, but knew that affair would never go any further.  Crowley, being 

the gentleman that he was offered to help her out of her dilemma by marry her with no strings attached, in other words, marry and then go their separate ways. She gratefully accepted. Crowley and Rose were married on August 12, 1903 in Dingwall, Scotland in a civil ceremony. As it turned out, they fell in love and their union was passionate and fruitful, both personally and magickally. Crowley called her 'Quarda', an Arabic word for rose.

On March 16, 1904, while Crowley and Rose were performing a ritual to 'shew the Sylphs', Rose seemed to enter into a light trance and repeatedly said, 'They're waiting for you!'. Crowley began to listen to Rose after taking her to the Boulak Museum. There he asked her to point out Horus to him. She passed several common images of the god and led Crowley to a painted wooden funerary stele from the 26th dynasty, depicting Horus receiving a sacrifice from the deceased. Crowley was impressed by the fact that the museum numbered this piece 666. This was the number he had identified with since childhood. At Rose's direction, Crowley entered his room on three successive days beginning April 8, 1904 and wrote down what he heard dictated from a shadowy presence behind him. The result was the three chapters of verse known as The Book of the Law.

Rose and Crowley had a daughter, whom Crowley named Nuit Ma Ahathoor Hecate Sappho Jezebel Lilith Crowley, in July of 1904. This child died in 1906 of typhoid. They had another daughter, Lola Zaza, in the summer of that year. The marriage began to suffer after the lose of their first child. They eventually divorced (November 11, 1909) due to Rose's struggle with dipsomania and other problems.

Following Crowley and Rose's divorce, Rose married the Roman Catholic Dr. Joseph Andrew Gormley at Kensington in October 1912. Rose Edith Gormley died in London, Feb 11, 1932.

As an adult, Lola Zaza disowned her father. She married Frank Hill in Paddington on Saturday June 9, 1934. They had a child named Elizabeth Hill born in Paddington in 1935. Lola Zaza Hill died on Friday March 9, 1990 at Battle Hospital, Reading, Berkshire.

Quote -- 'My wife. Put me in touch with Aiwass. The Temple of Solomon the King. Failed as elsewhere is on record.'

1st wife 'Rose' Edith Kelly'Rose'Rose, Lola Zaza, and AleisterLeah, Poupee (infant), and Aleister in 

Italy. The two boys are Dionysus, Leah's son, and Hermes, the son of Aleister and Ninette Franus, his 2nd Concubine.

Jane Wolf and Leah 

outside the Abbey, circa 1921

Mary d'Este Sturges nee Dempsey "Desti" (October 10, 

1871-1931). A voluptuous, big-boned woman with curly black hair and attractive Irish-Italian features. She was born in Quebec and raised in Chicago. She became owner of Desti Beauty Products, a cosmetics firm. She also owned a New York City studio which sold art objects, perfumes, and clothing. Authoress of The Life of Isadora Duncan. She moved to Paris and adopted the habit of wearing only sandals and a Greek tunic. She was a passionate, worldly woman, and here personality and magnetism attracted Crowley straight off. She felt the same profound emotion toward him. He spent the evening sitting cross-legged on the floor, "exchanging electricity with her." Mary was married four times before meeting Crowley.

Desti was Crowley's lover from October 1911 through the winter of 1912. Roddie Minor, born April 9, 1884 in Gwinnet Co., Georgia and died 1979 in Greenbackville, Accomack, Virginia.

Crowley's lover from October 1917 through summer 1918, he called her 'The Camel' and wrote "Brought me in touch with Amalantrah. Failed from indifference to the Work."

From Crowley's Confessions (abridged ed. 1969): Her name was Roddie Minor, a married woman living apart from her husband, a near artist of German extraction. She was physically a magnificent animal, with a man’s brain well stocked with general knowledge and a special comprehension of chemistry and pharmacy. She was at this time employed in the pathological laboratory of a famous doctor, but afterwards became managing chemist to a prominent firm of perfumery manufactures. I have said that she had a man’s brain, but despite every effort, there was still one dark corner in which her femininity had taken refuge and defied her to expel it. From time to time the garrison made a desperate sortie. At such moments her womanhood avenged itself savagely on her ambition. She was more frantically feminine than any avowed woman could possibly be. She was ruthlessly irrational. Such attacks were fortunately as short as they were severe, but unfortunately too often did irreparable damage." Coming from Crowley, a description of a woman as having a "man's brain" is as profound a compliment as is possible. Later he describes her again as a doctor of pharmacy, employed in pathological analysis, and later in manufacturing perfumery." Marie Rohling nee Lavroff — Crowley became involved with Marie during the composition of Liver aleph vel CXI.

Quote: ' A Doubtful case. Helped to inspire Liber CXI. Failed from indecision.' Bertha Almira Prykryl nee Bruce — 'A Doubtful case. Delayed assumption of duties, hence made way for No. 7.' (Leah Hirsig) Leila Ida Nerissa Bathurst Waddell, also known as Laylah, (August 10, 1880 – September 13, 1932) was a daughter of Irish immigrants to Australia, a famed Scarlet Woman of Aleister Crowley, and a powerful historical figure in magick and Thelema in her own right

Leila was born in Bathurst, New South Wales. She was familiarly addressed by Aleister as "Laylah," and was immortalized in The Book of Lies and The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. Waddell herself was an accomplished writer, magician, and musician, and a founding member of the original company of the Rites of Eleusis.

In 1912 Leilia, and fellow Crowley students Mary Desti and Mary Butts, were given co-authorship credit on Aleister's Magick (Book 4) as they wrote down his words, helped shape them by asking defining questions, and elicited Aleister's commentary on pertinent points.

She was Crowley's lover from March 1910 till October 1911. His relationship with Laylah was important in that she appeared to have a measure of independence many of the others did not have. She resisted Crowley's wishes for her to commit more deeply to magick. She was initiated info Crowley's A.*.A.*. Though Crowley was not monogamous with her, she seems to have been the one who fascinated him the most. Laylah was, arguably, Aleister's most powerful muse, as she inspired numerous poems in addition to numerous chapters in The Book of Lies.

Crowley based two of his short stories, The Vixen and The Violinist, on Leila.

In 1923 Leila returned to Sydney to nurse her ailing father. She performed with the Conservatorium Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic Society of Sydney and the theatre, and she resumed teaching at the convent School of the Sacred Heart in Sydney's Elizabeth Bay.

Leila died Tuesday September 13,1932 from uterine cancer at the young age of 52..

In 1916 she began to publish narrative verse about the Adirondacks. From this period she travelled in Europe, met important figures of 

modernism, and co-operated with the collector John Quinn in building up his contemporary art collection. After Quinn's death in 1924 Jeanne helped prepare the collection of his letters that became the John Quinn Memorial Collection at the New York Public Library. The collection includes an extensive correspondence with Joseph Conrad.

In 1932 she moved to Schenectady, where she worked as a social worker.

Jeanne's friends included many of the period's leading authors and artists. She was particularly close to Ford Madox Ford, Ezra Pound, and William Butler Yeats. She also had a relationship with the English author and occultist Aleister Crowley.

She is buried near her friend John Butler Yeats, the painter and father of William Butler Yeats, in the Chestertown Rural Cemetery in the Adirondacks. Her own papers can be found in the Jeanne R. Foster-William M. Murphy Collection at the New York Public Library and at Harvard University's Houghton Library, which holds her correspondence with poet and author Ezra Pound.

'the Owl' Gerda Maria von Kothek. Born Gerda Schumann 07/26/1896 in Dresden, Deutschland (Germany). She immigrated in 1908 and was Crowley's lover from April 12, 1916 through Sept 1916. He called her 'a bright young Angel of Revolution". She was a German prostitute and Crowley practised sex magick with her. She was around nineteen when she meet Crowley.

Gerda married German immigrant Dr. Karl Heinrich Rudolf Gebauer on May 23, 1917 and the pair took up residence in Passaic, New Jersey. He was a chemist employed at a nearby plant. He shared his wife's radical sympathies, but he had other interesting connections. First he had ties to the main German radical organ in Manhattan, the New Yorker Volkszeitung, which was run by veteran socialist Ludwig Lore. Chandestine threads tied Lore's anti-war publication to the Propaganda Kabinett and the German Consulate.

Gerda died Dec 4, 1967 in Jena, Thüringen, Deutschland (Germany)

Dr. Gebauer was born 05/08/1885 in Germany and immigrated to the US in 1913. He died Dec 17, 1969 in Jena, Thüringen, Deutschland (Germany)

"the Monkey"

Alice Ethel Coomaraswamy, nee Richardson. aka Ratan Devi. She was the English wife of the famed Indian art historian Ananda Coomaraswamy. She meet him ca. 1910, most likely at a recital of folk songs given by pupils of the collector of folk songs and cultural revivalist Cecil Sharp. Alice accompanied Coomaraswamy on a trip to India in 1911 and became his second wife. They lived on a houseboat in Srinagar, Kashmir, whilst she studied Indian music with Abdul Rahim of Kapurthala, and Coomaraswamy researched Rajput paintings of northern India.

Once back in London, Alice became noted for her recitals of Indian music which were often introduced by an explanatory lecture given by her husband. The performed widely in the UK under the name Ratan Devi and in Indian dress.

It is not known how Coomaraswamy and Crowley met, but they had a substantial relationship while Crowley was living in New York in 1916.

Coomaraswamy asked Crowley to help promote his wife's performances in 1916. Crowley wrote reviews of her in Vanity Fair and offered letters of introduction for her. She and Crowley quickly became lovers and magical partners, engaging in sexual magic by April 15, 1916. Alice became pregnant.

Crowley says that Coomaraswamy was quite aware of their affair and had even encouraged it, wanting Crowley to take on her living expenses while in New York. Crowley, in exchange, introduced Ananda to Gerda Maria von Kothek, a prostitute and previous lover of Crowley's. Coomaraswamy and von Kothek were soon living together.

When Alice's career began to take off, Coomaraswamy wanted her back. Alice loved Crowley, but, for whatever reason, decided to return to England with Coomaraswamy. She had a miscarriage as a result of sea sickness on the voyage. Crowley blamed Coomaraswamy for the death of his child and hated him for it.

Alice had two children (a boy, Narada, and a girl, Rohini) by Coomaraswamy before their divorce.

the Dog' Anna Katherine Miller. In August 1917, met Anna, whom he named The Dog, based on her physical and magical correspondence to Anubis, the dog-headed Egyptian god of the dead. During World War One, Crowley, forty-two years of age, was living in New York City with Anna. Through her he met Roddie Minor. At the time, Crowley practiced sex magick with both women. Anna eventually left and Crowley deepened his involvement with Roddie.

In his diaries Crowley twice called her Cyptis (Aphrodite) and he wrote, "She was a Pennsylvania Dutch girl, the only member of her family not actually insane."

Soror Ahitha 'the Camel' SW

Roddie Minor, born April 9, 1884 in Gwinnet Co., Georgia and died 1979 in Greenbackville, Accomack, Virginia.

Crowley's lover from October 1917 through summer 1918, he called her 'The Camel' and wrote "Brought me in touch with Amalantrah. Failed from indifference to the Work."

From Crowley's Confessions (abridged ed. 1969): Her name was Roddie Minor, a married woman living apart from her husband, a near artist of German extraction. She was physically a magnificent animal, with a man’s brain well stocked with general knowledge and a special comprehension of chemistry and pharmacy. She was at this time employed in the pathological laboratory of a famous doctor, but afterwards became managing chemist to a prominent firm of perfumery manufactures. I have said that she had a man’s brain, but despite every effort, there was still one dark corner in which her femininity had taken refuge and defied her to expel it. From time to time the garrison made a desperate sortie. At such moments her womanhood avenged itself savagely on her ambition. She was more frantically feminine than any avowed woman could possibly be. She was ruthlessly irrational. Such attacks were fortunately as short as they were severe, but unfortunately too often did irreparable damage." Coming from Crowley, a description of a woman as having a "man's brain" is as profound a compliment as is possible. Later he describes her again as a doctor of pharmacy, employed in pathological analysis, and later in manufacturing perfumery."

In his diaries, Crowley wrote "Roddie Minor. Matron. Big muscular sensual type. (Aphorodite)." Big muscular sensual type was Crowley's ideal of feminine beauty, hence his use of the word Aphrodite in this context.

Obituary: Accomac Eastern Shore News, Jan 25, 1979 Mrs. R. Warwick Mrs. Roddie Minor Warwick, 93, widow of the late Robert Lee Warwick and a resident of Greenbackville, died at Bi-County Nursing Home, January 17, 1979 after a long illness. Born in Georgia, her late parents were William Jackson Minor and Eliza Haughthorn [sic] Minor. She was a graduate of Columbia University, New York, and a Cosmetic Technician. The Funeral was held at the graveside in Union Greenbackville Cemetery, Saturday, January 20, at 11:00 a.m., conducted by the Rev. Herbert Seemann. Two nephews survive. Arrangements were made by Watson and Melson Funeral Home, Pocomike, Md

"the Dragon' 'Soror Olun' SW

Marie Rohling nee Lavroff — Crowley became involved with Marie during the composition of Liver aleph vel CXI.

Quote: ' A Doubtful case. Helped to inspire Liber CXI. Failed from indecision.'

Bertha Almira Prykryl nee Bruce — 'A Doubtful case. Delayed assumption of duties, hence made way for No. 7.' (Leah Hirsig)

"Soror Alostrael' SW

Leah Hirsig was born April 9, 1883 into a family of nine siblings in Trachselwald, Bern, Switzerland. Her family moved to America when she was two, and she grew up in New York. She taught at a high school in the Bronx while growing up.

She and her older sister Alma were drawn to the occult, and this interest led them in the spring of 1918 to pay a visit to Aleister, who was living at the time in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of Manhattan. Aleister and Leah felt an immediate and instinctive connection. Leah asked him to paint her as a "dead soul' and in Aleister painted several portraits of her.

In 1919 she was consecrated as his Babalon or, "Scarlet Woman", taking the name Alostrael, "the womb (or grail) of God."

Leah had been previously married to Edward Hammond, by whom she had a son, Hans Hammond.

Crowley's lover from January 1919 through August 1924. He called her 'The Ape of Thoth.' She presided over Crowley's 'Ipsissimus' grade and was his Scarlet Woman during the Abbey of Thelema years (1920-1923) Leah was the best known of the 'Scarlet Women'. Together, she and Aleister would indulge in drinking sessions, drugs and sexual magic. With Leah's help, Crowley began painting canvases with more creativity and passion.

In February 1920 Aleister and Leah had a daughter, Anne Leah Crowley (nicknamed Poupee). They moved shortly after to Cefalu (Palermo), Italy and helped Aleister found the Abbey of Thelema on April 14, 1920. Aleister and Leah signed the lease as Sir Alastor de Kerval and Contessa Lea Harcourt. Poupee died nine months later in a hospital in Palermo on October 14, 1920. Hirsig was known as Soror Alostrael, Crowley's Scarlet Woman, the name Crowley used for his female sex magick practitioners in reference to the consort of the Beast of the Apocalypse whose number is 666.

By June 1924, while Hirsig—the Scarlet Woman—stayed loyal to Crowley during money troubles and painful surgeries for his asthma symptoms, the two of them found their relationship was suffering. She wrote in her diary that his "rasping voice so jarred me that I wanted to scream." After a few months Crowley broke it off, presenting her with a new "Scarlet Woman" by the name of Dorothy Olsen.

But this did not lead Hirsig to abandon her commitment to Thelema. Her diary from this period reveals her continuing devotion to the Great Work, her renewal of her magical oaths, her ongoing invocations of Ra Hoor Khuit, and her consecration of herself as the bride of Chaos. From her diary one sees how devoted she was. "I should have liked, as a human creature, to have died in the arms of the Beast 666 who, it will be noted in my first diary (commencing March 21, 1919), was and is my lover, my mate, my Father, my child, and everything else that Woman needs in Man. But I have never interfered with his Work, which was my Work, the Great Work, except in ignorance." In 1925, when Crowley asked her to serve again for a period as his scribe and secretary, she readily accepted; she was ready to give her assistance when it was necessary to the furtherance of his magical work and to the promulgation of the Law of Thelema.

Leah moved to Paris, France and lived as a prostitute on and off for some years. Ultimately she returned to America, settled back down to a more normal life with a new husband with whom she bore a son, and returned to teaching.

Leah died at 6:15 am February 22, 1975.

Ninette F. Shumway (aka Isabella Fraux). (born in Decazeville France June 9,1894 - 1989 France) At 17, Ninette left the port in Le Havre France and arrived in New York on July 2, 1911 aboard the "La Trouraine", she was traveling under the name Augustine Fraux..

August 14, 1915, she married Howard Crosby Shumway in Cook co., Illinois. Ninette and Howard had one child, a son named Howard (b. 07/17/1916 Boston, MA.). Howard died that same year. On her passport application 02/28/1919 she stated that she was widowed, a governess and she that resided at 81 Sudbury Road MA. She was returning to France to make it her home. Pg 1 pg2

Ninette was Crowley's second concubine at the Abbey of Thelema. Both Leah Hirsig and Ninette (her magical name was Sister Cypris after Aphrodite), were carrying Crowley's unborn children at the same time. Leah Hirsig had a two-year old son named Hansi and Ninette had a three-year old boy named Howard; they were not Crowley's but he nicknamed them Dionysus and Hermes respectively. After Leah's Poupée died, Leah had a miscarriage but Ninette gave birth to a daughter (11/12/20), Astarte Lulu Panthea.

Ninette had a third child named Isabella. It is uncertain if Crowley was the father as Ninette was sleeping with Crowley and Baron le Calce at the time she was conceived in Cefalu. Isabella was then known as Mimi.

Astarte Lulu Panthea (b. November 25th, 1922 - d. 2005 (year uncertain, but it was reported by Bill Heidrick from the O.T.O. ) — daughter of Ninette Shumway (aka Isabella Fraux). ("Cypris"). [Note: There are several disputed dates of her birth, but the correct one is found in Crowley's 1923 Diaries.]

Astarte was raised in the USA from 1931 by Ninette's older sister Helene Fraux. Astarte has four children including jazz pianist Eric Muhler. Leah Hirsig suspected Ninette's Black Magic foul play and what Aleister found when reading Ninette's magical diary (everybody had to keep one while at the abbey for reasons explained in Liber E) appalled him. Ninette was banished from the abbey and the Beast lamented the death of his children. However, Ninette was soon back in the abbey again to take care of her offspring.

"Soro Astrid' SW

Dorothy Olsen. (Sister Astrid) (09/06/1892 -- 05/08/1981) Born in Chicago (passport application pg1

pg2).  Crowley's lover from August 1924 though October 1926)  Dorothy soon replaced Leah Hirsig as 

the 'Scarlet Woman'. She had even bore Crowley an infant daughter that died.

Throughout September of 1924 Leah Hersig and Crowley were slowly drifting apart. On the Fall Equinox, September 21st, she decided to act and sent a letter to Crowley stating, "I hereby renounce the title of Scarlet Woman and pass it on to the Scarlet Concubine of your desire." Upon receiving her letter, Crowley wasted no time in appointing a new Scarlet Woman. He conferred the title on an American woman named Dorothy Olsen, also known as Sister Astrid. Shortly afterwards they headed for Tunis, leaving Leah to roam the streets of Paris. Crowley's relationship with Dorothy Olsen was like a roller coaster with its continual ups and downs right from the start, a pattern that was typical to every relationship he embarked upon.

Dorothy Olsen was with Crowley when he met Gurdjieff at the Prieure. In 1926, she simply drifted away. Although we do know, according to Crowley, that on October 8th 1926 "Astrid blew out of the South" and that she appeared for a few days of wild sex, followed by an entry dated Oct.12th stating "Astrid blew out to the West" which meant that Dorthy Olsen left him and headed back to America. He never saw her again.

Obituary 05/19/2005 Journal and Topics Newpaper, Des Plaines, IL. A memorial service for Dorothy (Dolly) Olsen, 89, of Park Ridge, is pending at Cooney Funeral Home, Park Ridge. A native of Chicago, she lived in Park Ridge for 62 years. She died May 8 after a short battle with cancer. She loved to play bridge and was an avid reader. Surviving are her son, Richard (Judith) of St. Charles; grandchildren Grady (Betsy Brandt) and Eric Gunnar; and great-grandchild Josephine. Also survived by a brother, Robert Nelson, 95, of San Diego. Memorials are requested to the Park Ridge Public Library or Park Ridge Community Church.

Soror Estai

Sarah Jane Wolfe (1875-1958) Born in St. Petersburg, PA on March 21, 1875. As a young girl she went to New York City to pursue a career in the theatre but became involved in acting in the fledgling motion picture industry. She made her film debut in 1910 at the age of 35. 1911 she was part of the Kalem Company's crew in New York city who relocated to the company's new production facilities in Los Angeles, CA. She went on to become one of the leading character actors of the decade, appearing in more than one hundred films. . She had a nervous breakdown during the production of the silent film "The Client".

In 1918 she began corresponding with Aleister Crowley. Two years later she gave up her career in Hollywood to join the Abbey of Thelema. Jane was admitted as a A.'. A.'. Probationer on June 11, 1921, during her residence at the Abbey. At her admittance, she took the aspiration name Estai. Jane was at the Abbey from 1920 until it closed in 1923. She kept a magickal diary while there, which was later published by the College of Thelema of Northern California as "The Cefalu Diaries."

Jane is considered an important female figure in magick as, in addition to her friendship and work with Crowley, she took part in the founding of the Agape Lodge of the O.T.O. in southern California as well as being its lodge master. The "Soro Estai lineage of the A.'. A.'. derives from her.

Jane had a small role in 1937 in a B-Western named "Under Strange Flags", after not appearing on screen for 17 years.

Jane used the Quija board, and credited some of her greatest spiritual communcations to the use of it.

Jane's student was Phyllis Seckler, Soro Meral. (June 18, 1917 - May 31, 2004) A lifelong educator, as well as an accomplished painter, poet and gardener, her life was dedicated to spiritual regeneration, and to preserving and teaching these traditions to her own students, thus carrying on the 'Soro Estai' lineage.

Jane Wolfe died in Glendale, CA. on March 29, 1958, eight days after her 83rd birthday.

The new year of 1927 began with Crowley recording in his diary that he had nine mistresses over the previous year. He even lists them: K. Margaret Binetti, Kitty von Hansmester, Jane Cheron and six others. Over the next few years Crowley traveled between Germany and Tunis quite often but spent most of his time in Paris. It was an extremely quiet period in Crowley's life. He had long sought a Scarlet Woman to inspire his creativity but few qualified for the role.

Kassimira Bass Brief Polish lover from 1927-1928. Kassimira was with with Aleister in Paris when Israel Regardie arrived from America. Crowley and Kasimira met Regardie at the train station in Paris and took him by taxi back to their hotel. After a nice supper, while the three were sipping coffee and cognac, Crowley simply got up from the table and pounced on Kasimira, knocking her to the floor. Regardie apparently was very shocked, got up and quietly staggered into the next room. Regardie later wrote that Crowley and Kasimira "fell down on the floor and started fucking like a pair of animals right there in front of me."

By the end of the year, Kasimira was history and Crowley was in the market for a new Scarlet Woman.

Maria Theresa Ferrari de Miramar, Crowley's 2nd wife. He met her in England in 1929. the marriage took place in Leipzig, Germany. Aleister was 53 at the time. He called her "The High Priestess of Voodoo." He wrote that under her influence, he had been able to start serious magick with ritual precautions. They appeared to be a settled married couple, however, within a year Crowley had found a new lover and wrote to Maria, "You should get a divorce -- find a man who will stand for your secret drinking and your scandalous behavior. Maria wass admitted to Colney Hatch mental hospital suffering from the delusion that she was the daughter of the king and queen.

The Times, August 19, 1929 Crowley : Ferrari -- on Aug. 16, 1929, at Leipzig, in the presence of H.B.M. Consul, Edward Alexander (Aleister) Crowley and Maria Teresa Ferrari de Miramar. ALEISTER CROWLEY MARRIED. CEREMONY IN LEIPZIG AFTER BEING BANNED FROM FRANCE.

Mr. Edward Alexander (Aleister) Crowley, the English mystic writer, had been married at Leipzig to Mlle. Maria Teresa Ferrari de Miramar, who is a native of Nicaragua.

The marriage ceremony, according to an announcement, was performed in the presdence of the British Consul.

Mr. Aleister Crowley was recently refused the right to stay in France.

He stated that his fiancee had also been forced to leave France. Mr. Growley was born at Leamington, 53 years ago, and was educated at Malvern and Trinity College, Cambridge. He had been through China on foot, has been received by the sacred lamas at Tibet, and has reached other remote places such as the Yucatan Peninsular in Mexico. He came into prominence in London in 1911 when his picture was painted by Augustus John.

During the was he went to America and participated in German counter-espionage, declaring that he did this at the request of the British Naval Intelligence Department.

Hanni Larissa Jaeger, a 19-year old Germain Artist. Crowley meet her and she became his lover within a year of marrying Maria Teresa Ferrari. Soon Hanni became pregnant. The affair was short lived as Hanni left Crowley.

Bertha 'Billy' Busch. Shortly after Hanni Jaeger, Crowley meet his next scarlet woman, Billy Busch. The two moved into a flat with money that was usually paid for by Carl Gerner and his wife. But the Gerners wrote to Crowley "The $15,000 I have given you, were spent not in real constructive work but in expensive cigars, cognac, cocktails, taxis, dinners, wives and sweethearts and anything that you desired at the moment, I am not trying to insult you but I think that you have a Me and God complex." Crowley later wrote, 'Best fuck within recorded memory of living man.'

Pearl Brooksmith, August 1933. Nothing else known

Deirdre Patricia MacAlpine nee Doherty

In 1934, Crowley was declared bankrupt after losing a court case in which he sued the artist Nina Hamnett for calling him a black magician in her 1932 book, Laughing Torso.

Deirdre Patricia MacAlpine approached Crowley on the day of the verdict and offered to bear him a child.

On March 26, 1937, Aleister wrote a poem simply titled 'To Deidre in labour.' Just two months later their son was born, whom he named Aleister Ataturk.

She sought no mystical or religious role in Crowley's life and rarely saw him after the birth, "an arrangement that suited them both."

In a letter to E.N. Fitzgerald, Crowley wrote: "A miracle has just happened. The girl Pat and Aleister Ataturk, who I had long since given up for dead, are in London. She phoned me last night. I am delirious with joy: they come here Thursday." Pat and Ataturk, who just turned ten on May 2, 1947, came out from Cornwall to visit Crowley for three days in the middle of May. The visit pleased Crowley, who, old and lonely, missed his family. He was so happy to see them that on May 22 Crowley instructed members of OTO to ensure Ataturk's care and education after his father died. He also seized the opportunity to write his son a fatherly letter while he still had the chance. His advice provides great insight into Crowley's mind, and is quoted in full:


in the summer of 1947, Pat came to Netherwood with her four children, including Aleister Ataturk, spent most of the final months with Crowley, and was there beside him during his last days. According to MacAlphine, the 'Beast' remained in good spirits, enjoying the comings and goings of Aleister Ataturk and the other children, who adored him in turn. Crowley did, however, remain in bed. The day before he died, he talked calmly and at length with MacAlpine. The following day was a still one, but at the moment of Crowley's death, which came quietly, the curtains of his room were caught by a gust of wind, and a peal of thunder was hear. "It was the gods greeting him," said MacAlpine.

Crowley's son Ataturk was born May 2, 1937. According to a biography written by Martin Booth, Ataturk's formal education started in 1948 at Wester Eichies, the Gordonstoun Preparatory School, before traveling to the US sometimes later. He later changed his name to Randall Gair and died in a car accident in Chalfont St Peter, UK, November 20, 2002.

One source says that he came of age in California, but another claims Paris. There is supposed to be a photograph of him in O.T.O. robes, taken around 1976.

His Death Certificate says: Charles Edward d'Arquires (formerly known as Randall Gair Doherty fromerly known as Aleister Attaturk formerly known as Aleister MacAlphine), b. 2 May 1937, Newcastle-on-Tyne, died on 20 November 2002 in Chalfont St. Peter, Bucks.

His birth certificate gives his name as Randal Giair Doherty, with that odd spelling.

From the Arcane Archive: http://www.arcane-archive.org/religion/thelema/philosophy/various-crowley-s-progeny-1.php

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.thelema,talk.religion.misc From: [email protected] (nagasiva) Subject: Various: Crowley's Progeny Date: 20 Dec 1997 15:09:46 -0800

[technical difficulties enforced delay -- edited slightly for format]

Bill Heidrick :


Christeos Pir wrote:

quoting me:

>>A.A.MacA. was Crowley's only surviving son, and OTO had agreed to look after him. > >Whatever became of him? I heard he wanted nothing to do with the Order, his father's rep, and the whole shebang...?

Last I heard he was still knocking about London, not in good health or material circumstances. His children are in touch. Aleister Attaturk spent some of his teen years in California, with OTO members from Agape Lodge. He was deported for failure to pay a medical debt (Germer refused to pay it, actually). Up to that time A.A. (not A.'.A.'.) had made some effort to attract a following in OTO as Crowley's successor, utterly without success. He later attempted to help convince Germer to allow resumption of OTO initiations and temple work, also without success and possibly contributing to Germer's refusal to pay his medical bills. After that, in Paris and London, he occasionally attempted to argue for a role as successor to The Beast, but that petered out in the 1980's e.v.


Bill Heidrick :

[email protected] wrote:

>Heidrick wrote: > >>>Jean, survived Max and lived with Aleister Attaturk MacAlpine for some years in California. A.A.MacA. was Crowley's only surviving >>>son, and OTO had agreeded to look after him. > >I'm curious. Where is Aleister Attaturk MacAlpine, and where did the Attaturk MacAlpine come from ?

See my other post. As to origins, Aleister Attaturk was the natural son of Aleister Crowley and Patricia MacAlpine, in England. Mother and son were in touch with Crowley until Crowley died in 1947 e.v., visiting occasionally. A.C. cast astrological charts regarding A.A.M.'s health and welfare and formally requested Agape Lodge in California to look after him A.A.M. was apprenticed as a cook at the time of Crowley's Greater Feast.Frieda Harris was in touch both with Crowley and the MacAlpines in the 1940's, expressing considerable interest and concern in her letters from 1947 e.v. Although I don't know it for a fact, I suspect Frieda was instrumental in Aleister Attaturk's coming to California.


~From: Bill Heidrick


"David R. Jones" wrote, quoting me:

>> >>Jean, survived Max and lived with Aleister Attaturk MacAlpine for some years in

>This is the Jean Shivonen that was contacted at the beginning of the orders reformation in 77 right?

Right, after Max died and a time living with Aleister Attaturk, she married Brother Shivonen. He died eventually and she remarried for a third time. Some of this history may have contributed to Germer's strange charge that she was a "vampire" -- although Karl had a similar history of changing and dying mates himself.

>The MacAlpine is his mothers name I believe, saw a picture of her once in the archives. Hate to be a bit sexist here but boy what a babe.

Considering Crowley's age, the old Beast didn't do at all bad in his later years. :-)


[email protected] (Massimo):


>Wow, this is 180 degrees from what I've heard; in fact, I'd almost swear that I've seen a book by him, published overseas, claiming >that he was in possession of the *real* copy of Liber AL; that Crowley distributed a fake copy to the world (the one we all know). >Of course, this was a while back, and I may very well be remembering something (or everything) wrong. As well, I may be >confusing several stories. Does this book ring a bell with anyone else?

This is not Aleiser Ataturk, but AMADO CROWLEY 777, who wrote at least three books (THE SECRETS OF ALEISTER CROWLEY, THE RIDDLES OF ALEISTER CROWLEY, THE WRATH OF ALEISTER CROWLY - and next? - one of them really homophobic) and who in 70's wrote to Man Myth and Magic claiming to be AC's magical and physycal heir. I once discussed the man with Michael Staley, who met him in the 70s, and he told me that, whatever his father really was (AC could have left some babies here and there, couldn't he?) the main issue was that Amado stated that somehow HE was the real prophet of the New Era, and that his father was to him some kind of John the Baptist :-) And yes, he's got the *real* liber AL, found in an egyptian cave/tomb and carefully obtained by pasting together all those little pieces of papyrus which had been thrown into the air as they entered the secret hiding where the book had been left by the survivors of some lost civilization/cult/tradition/blah blah blah


~From: Bill Heidrick93,

Christeos Pir asked, quoting me:

>>His children are in touch. > >With him, or with the Order?

Both with Aleister Attaturk and the OTO. Nothing major.

Soror Tzaba

Marguerit Frieda, Lady Harris, nee Bloxham, (1877 – May 11, 1962) was commissioned by Aleister Crowley to paint the Thoth Tarot. Although involved in the women's branch of Freemasonry – Co- Freemasonry – her interest in the occult was not deep. Aleister had to initiate her into his Orders to expand her knowledge and commence the spiritual training necessary to design a deck of such power. By his own admission, the deck was intended to be traditional, but she encouraged him to commit his occult, magical, spiritual and scientific knowledge to the project. Apart from his mother, Frieda Harris was probably the strongest, longest lasting and most platonic relationship in his life. The extant letters from Frieda Harris to Aleister show her fondness and compassion for him, despite his regular begging for more money. Along with Louis Wilkinson, Frieda seems to be one of the few genuine friends in Aleister's life.

There were three significant events in 1937 - she met Aleister Crowley; he initiated her into his own Order, and she studied the teachings of Rudolf Steiner. Aleister was on the lookout for a talented artist for the three month Tarot project. His headhunter was Clifford Bax, playwright, author, and co-editor of an art & literature magazine entitled The Golden Hind between 1922-24, founded by Austin Osman Spare. On June 9th, 1937 Bax had intended to introduce the artists Meum Stewart and Leslie Blanche to Aleister, but they do not seem to have turned up, so he invited Frieda instead. Bax may have known Harris through Masonic links. Clifford Bax was also instrumental in introducing John Symonds to Aleister.

Symonds takes up the Frieda Harris story: "Aleister helped her through the portals of the mystical Order of the A.'. A.'. (Argenteum Astrum]]) She took the name of Tzaba “Hosts”, which adds up to 93; this is also the number of the thelema current which she was trying to tap." John Symonds, The Great Beast.

Frieda Harris was no stranger to ritual through her membership of Co-Masonry, but her knowledge was lacking. As well as reading books by Alesiter, her studies of Anthroposophy were to be a critical aspect in the creation of the Tarot. It is quite possible that her studies of Steiner were suggested by Aleister himself. Aleister is on the record as saying that his mission was to continue the work of Blavatsky and Theosophy. Another avenue may have been Greta Valentine who introduced Frieda to Aleister. Greta Valentine was a London socialite whom Aleister loved, but probably never conquered.

"When they met in 1936 she was studying anthroposophy, the mystical teachings of Rudolf Steiner, whose school she attended. Her own interests stopped short of traditional occultism."

Greta was an artist friend of Frieda, and it was at her house in Hyde Park Crescent, London, that Frieda and Aleister worked on the Book of Thoth.

Frieda lived the construction and design of the deck to the point that events in her life mirrored the cards she was working on. For example, when she was working on the Eight and Nine of Swords, she experienced all sorts of accidents and delays.

Frieda was sending Aleister a regular stipend throughout the project. She was also using her society contacts to find financial backers for the exhibition of the paintings, the catalogues, and for the publication of the Tarot. The mental, emotional and spiritual pressures took its toll on Frieda, who became somewhat erratic. Aleister was sufficiently concerned to call in the lawyers to protect his 66% investment in the project. Despite the legal hitches, Aleister gives Frieda fulsome praise in the Introduction to The Book of Thoth - this from a man who spent much of his life creating enemies:

"She devoted her genius to the Work. With incredible rapidity she picked up the rhythm, and with inexhaustible patience submitted to the correction of the fanatical slave-driver that she had invoked, often painting the same card as many as eight times until it measured up to has Vanadium Steel yardstick!"

Throughout the project she insisted on her own anonymity, but she revelled in working for such a notorious man. Although the Book of Thoth was published in a 200 limited edition, neither Aleister nor Frieda lived to see the deck printed.

Frieda Harris